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the 21st
Susan Kramer
Text and Photography copyright
2000-2011 Susan Kramer
Santa Barbara, California
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Published by Creations
in Consciousness
Loving Is What Counts
2. Personal Integrity Affirms Life 3. Acting Wisely 4. Looking Inwardly to Find Happiness Outwardly 5. Handling Adversity 6. Self-knowledge 7. For Ultimate Happiness |
Cause and Effect for Positive Results
9. Journeying 10. Loving Wisdom 11. Affirmations 12. Meditation for Developing Inner Peace Links |
2. Personal Integrity Affirms Life |
Personal integrity, spirituality—
Living in accordance with
our highest state of consciousness
We continuously create our reality by our choices, moment to moment, creating and maintaining harmony by following our conscience and acting for the highest good. Personal integrity takes courage. We are being courageous in living according to our conscience when it would be easy to hide from others that we are not following our conscience. It is easier to slide down the hill of life, maintaining or digressing in our current state on consciousness, than to follow the sometimes difficult climb up the path of what we know is right.
The reward for continually
upgrading our personal integrity is that we become more conscious of our
harmonious self-effulgent spiritual nature.
3. Acting Wisely |
When we act for the best resolve in a situation we are acting wisely. We are saving time and energy that we might have had to spend in the future, trying to justify an action or a decision that is causing some grief.
Acting wisely is the outcome of repeatedly following the prodding of our conscience—our conscience developed and refined by following the tried and true positive code of behavior, namely, being good 'ourselves' in all circumstances.
When we are tempted to take more than our share from the candy box, it is our conscience that causes us to pause. Our conscience speaks to us via our bodily signs of physical comfort, or discomfort. If we feel our cheeks heat up, or our pulse race a bit, we are getting the sign that we should reconsider our actions—in fact, if we ever do hesitate physically, we should back off. When an action is right for us, we do not hesitate—our body remains relaxed as we move forward spontaneously.
'Jiminy Cricket', from the Disney movie, 'Pinnochio' sang: "Give a little whistle, give a little whistle, and always let your conscience be your guide."
That period of giving a little whistle is telling us to consider, then reconsider, before acting. If we are feeling the least bit uncomfortable in our body, our conscience is doing its job of letting us know that what we are about to do may not be right at all—for us or someone else.
Acting wisely—
Acting from our state of bodily
Acting wisely—
Setting aside plans causing
us physical unrest
Harmony and happiness preserved,
once again
by following our prodding
of conscience
4. Looking Inwardly to Find Happiness Outwardly |
How we
view life
the tone and tenor of our thoughts
spoken words, and actions that follow
moment of each new day
an opportunity
for a new beginning
We have the choice to view life from either side—the positive, optimistic side, or the negative, pessimistic side.
By our
free will it is our choice
to view
for improvement—or just prove a point
By being flexible and open to the moment's input we have the best chance of seeing how a situation can grow into its best resolve.
stuck like glue in a point of view
out options we may have found useful
Underlying our cover of thoughts is our bed of preconceived attitudes on life and living. Our attitudes influence our thoughts, our thoughts determine our words—written or spoken—which in turn determine our course of action.
important to remember is that
precede thoughts
precede words
words set our course of action
To begin setting the stage for positive attitudes to have their play:
1. Keep
in mind that more options for action are available when we are looking
for the best resolve. And that the most options come to mind when we hold
onto a positive attitude. A positive attitude says: 'let's work this out'
and not 'let's fight this out'.
2. Resolve
to act for the best resolve of each situation.
3. Remember
the phrase 'action, reaction'. Positive actions produce positive results;
negative actions produce negative results.
in living is our goal
no matter
what form our outer lives take
no matter
what our career goals are
person, every day, wants happiness to prevail
the greatest amount of happiness
to seep
into the crevices and actions of our lives
5. Handling Adversity |
are positive and negative charges
every atom of creation
These opposing energies interrelate—cooperate, causing motion—the flow of energy. Some energy solidifies, forming physical matter; some is felt, but unseen, as in heat and electricity.
When confronted with adversity in other people we can retain our peacefulness by assuming a neutral position. Example: While driving a car, we can go forward, backward, or remain in neutral—as at a stop light—to avoid a collision while traffic crosses our path.
Adversity in people, or a situation is 'cross traffic'.
Allowing their opposing energy to go by, while remaining in neutral, keeps us out of an 'accident' of conflict.
Our self-centeredness tempts us to pull out of neutral into conflict because we feel our point of view is being jeopardized. But, within the negative or opposing side of peace, there is no resolve that serves the highest good. Decisions out of strife fail, as they are not born of balance and harmony—nature's way to maintain universal order.
opposing energy passes by
conflict neutralized by cooperative action
every day
A positive
outcome to adversity
6. Self-knowledge |
and being able
to draw
from our inner Resources, our inner Source
Self-knowledge forms the foundation for building a happy and fulfilling life. When our actions are in-line with the highest good we are contributing to our sense of wholeness and well being—just as a house built upon a foundation with straight and true lumbar creates a framework that perfectly supports its visible outer coverings.
By our
actions we are known
the insight of Self-knowledge
we can
create beautiful actions
is like drinking from an ever-flowing spring of clarity. When we need guidance
in any situation the way that preserves our personal peace comes to mind.
It is an open telephone line from the pervading universal cellular harmony
to our conscious mind. The more we converse on this open direct line to
our all-knowing Source, the more we can use and incorporate these directives
reliably. After awhile,
flow becomes so integrated into our waking consciousness that the best
resolve is automatic. This is open communication in its purest sense—the
ultimate application of self-knowledge.
Some techniques to develop the connection with our Source are: ethical living; caring actions; meditation; self-analysis.
out from within
our daily actions
our daily actions
truth and harmony
new moment
of every
new day
7. For Ultimate Happiness |
For ultimate
happiness prioritize
needs from desires
resolve to pursue the ultimate goal
and the same for us all
of sustained happiness
outcome of communion
our own soul
When we use our energy to seek the ultimate happiness—communion with our Creator—we feel satisfaction within; the knowledge that we are on track.
The process of learning to commune with the harmony permeating every speck of existence goes inversely hand in hand with fulfillment of worldly desires. The less able we are to find true happiness through acquiring possessions and relationships, the more we look for the experience of lasting happiness and joy—driving us at last to look within.
The more we strive outwardly, the quicker—through getting discouraged by disappointments—we decide to tune inwardly, aligning with our state of underlying happiness.
Energy travels in orbits, like the planets in our solar system. What goes out, comes back with the same force. Sincerity in looking for sustained happiness draws this energy to us. Like begets like.
First, we search as much as possible for happiness in worldliness, then the world, by its temporary highs, shows us that the direction is really the journey within to our roots—roots sunk in harmony and finding a home in us by our loving and kind actions in the world.
high and low
everywhere else
new day
only one place to look
the Source of fulfillment
in our
hide and seek game of life
that is right in the depths of ourselves
In the
depths of our very own soul
8. Cause and Effect for Positive Results |
Cause and effect is a scientific principle. In everyday living our positive choices result in like outcomes. We also get a positive result when choosing the best way out of a bad situation. When outer circumstances are bleak, we preserve our sense of inner harmony by following our conscience.
Doing what is best now insures a better future
Using this principle, we maintain our natural ease. It is our choice, by our will power, to follow the direction of our conscience. The more easeful we are feeling, from following our conscience, the more clearly the best solutions come to our awareness.
Positive results from positive
Positive thinking from attitudes
aimed at right living
9. Journeying |
Taking a leisurely drive, we enjoy the passing scenery without worrying about our destination. During the journey of living we should enjoy what every moment holds without putting off our goal of happiness or fulfillment for the distant future. We limit our opportunity to enjoy the present, by thinking that the future will be better.
Life's a string of connected
events giving shape to our time
Inter-joining links creating
the experience of living
We enjoy the present moment with the depth and insight we have gained in living till now. Past positive attitudes and choices compound, leading us to naturally fulfilling outcomes in the present. And today's positive actions continue this process into our future.
Today's decisions shape tomorrow's
Living each moment from our
highest consciousness
insures a continuously more
fulfilling experience of life
10. Loving Wisdom |
Lovingness incorporated with
allows our natural harmony
to flourish
Harmony is prevalent in every atom of creation, seen in the cooperative interaction of atoms forming molecules, then combining into the complex systems of the universe. Our own body is built by the harmonious interaction of each organ and system, cooperating for the good of the whole.
Nature's way is to keep us
and all of the universe functioning
We make the choice to follow nature's lead, achieving harmony in our daily life, by acting with care, lovingly, for the best resolve of our problems, the wisest good.
Our loving actions, when combined with wisdom, give us the feeling in our body and mind, felt by our sense of ease, that we are in tune with the situation of the moment, acting rightly in the complexities of the moment.
Wisdom lovingly applied
cooperates with the natural
11. Affirmations |
Making firm in everyday living
what has been formed in the
As in any creative process we get an idea in our mind before we manifest it physically. An architect visualizes, then puts down his plan on paper in a form the builder can use to construct a solid building.
Affirmations work the same way. We are the architect, then the builder, bringing into form what began in thought.
To use affirmations:
1. Determine the need;
2. Decide and visualize what
the end result will be;
3. Make the affirmation in
the present tense.
Affirmations bring thought into form. They should be repeated verbally and mentally many times a day, particularly upon rising and retiring. When first forming an affirmation, take time to write it down. Look at the written form, memorize it, make it clear and definite in your mind, feel its energy in your body while repeating it. Remember that thought and planning come before physical change.
For mental change: Mentally affirm in present tense the new way you wish to be, such as: I use positive attitudes. I see the bright side of situations. I tune into the harmony of life. I act for the highest good of myself and others. I act for the highest good of the situation.
To get rid of an addiction or bad habit: I am aware of my peace and happiness without outside stimulants. I allow harmonious resolves to my conflicts. (We can use alcohol to deaden our will to resolve issues.)
To help another person we can affirm: (Person's name) is becoming aware of their inner peace and harmony. (Person's name) is self-sustained without taking in harmful substances. When we make affirmations on another's behalf we are uplifting ourselves at the same time—positive thoughts produce positive results. From the first thought of change, change occurs. That is the cause and affect law of nature. As we think, so we become, and because of what we become, we generate new thoughts in a similar tone, on and on.
1. Form affirmations in the
present tense and repeat with firm conviction.
2. Use affirmations to bring
about positive change—mentally, physically, and emotionally.
3. To produce the highest
good use the universal affirmations to bring about harmony and peace and
caring love in our world.
In addition to specific affirmations we can make some very simple ones to cover our whole life. Affirm: I am, at all times, acting for the highest good of myself and creation. I act peacefully. I am in tune with my natural harmony. I act with caring love. These positive affirmations tune us into the channel of our own perfect sate of harmony--which we then broadcast as harmonious signals for everyone's benefit.
Through living with personal
spiritually aligned
others notice that we can
be trusted
We become a trustworthy friend
an asset to our world family
And, affirmations for personal
improvement and world peace
integrate our highest consciousness
into our daily living peacefully
12. Meditation for Developing Inner Peace |
We know about our sensory organs
We know about our thinking
But until we still our body,
emotions, and thinking mind
we do not have conscious contact
with our soul—
part of the main eternal
Core of Self
Our eternal Self is experienced by diving deeply through the narrow gateway into our own heart—at first initiated by ignoring the input of our bodily sensory organs and mind. The permanent joy that is the hallmark of our permanent Self comes into reality for us when we sit very still, immobile, while emanating lovingness for our Creator, creation, loved ones, everyone.
The joyful effects experienced in the outward stillness of meditation eventually carry over into daily life.
Joy invigorates us with plenty of lively energy for caring and sharing. In joy we feel happy and fulfilled. It is our destiny to discover our joyful nature, ever within us, replenishing us with lovingness.
The medication healing ignorance
of our permanent nature of
A formal session in meditation:
Sit with the spine as perpendicular to the floor as possible. With eyes closed, and breathing evenly in and out, follow the movement of the breath, or mentally repeat an uplifting word or short phrase—all the while feeling love for at least one other person—in order to grow into a more conscious communion with the humanity.
In this stillness of 5 minutes to 15 minutes, or even 60 minutes later on, our body stills, and as a result our mind stills, allowing peace and contentment to arise in our consciousness, and loving energy to flow through us, refreshing us for our work in the world.
And even when we are not sitting in the formal posture of meditation sublime feelings of love can exist. Feeling love's existence in our mind relaxes our mind-body into fullness, ease, wholeness.
Feelings of lovingness
penetrating, permeating
cells of our soul
Our Self in the soul of all
And when we start experiencing
in the cells of all
we develop clear thinking
useful for our everyday living
With clarity in thinking we are able to assess and make decisions for the higher good of each situation. By acting out the best solution consistently, we grow in consciousness, soon thinking and acting for the greater good spontaneously.
We develop clear thinking by:
1. Practicing the esoteric
qualities, such as kindness, charity, and love;
2. Holding positive attitudes;
3. Spending time in meditation
and reflection;
4. Doing useful work or community
5. Taking in a clean, drug-free
6. Exercising and getting
proper rest;
7. Thinking over all the options,
then taking an overview and choosing to act on that which benefits without
harming anyone.
Clarity in thinking and living
Choices made for the highest
of each situation consistently
Our most reliable medication
From the peacefulness
the stillness of our body-mind
the clearest and best answers
arising quite naturally
for our use in daily living
Quite naturally energized
for our use in daily living
in the 21st century
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