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Practical Spirituality: Practicing Love
Susan Kramer

What is practical spirituality in relation to being loving?

The most practical way to act is that which uses our time and energy optimally. And caring love, the choice for love in action, does this most easily and gracefully.

We get the job done, the family nurtured, ourselves nurtured, with attitudes and actions born of love, and then lived with love.

Here are some hints to prepare our mind for the idea that it is by making the choice for love that we will be energized:

1. Keep or adopt the best intention for the situation;
2. Look at the varying points of view presenting, then review these, and see if even more points of view come to mind;
3. Contact the Inner Source directly through a conversation with the Self within, just as if talking with a dear confidant;
4. Listen to the response from within after the inner conversation, which may come as soft words of advice in the quietude we engender in our mind via a period of positive self talk;
5. Tune in with the Holy Vibration to recover peace of mind.
6. Remove barriers that would keep us from loving fully, unconditionally, such as the concept of separateness and only energy for limited love being available;
7. Practice giving with a full heart by showing kindness in daily interactions;
8. Practice pure love.

Pure love is caring love. The choice for love is practicing pure love.

Pure love is our nature. Pure love is our Source.

Pure love is pure energy and it is an endless flow. Coming from a bottomless pit within to be used without in our acts of caring and kindness.

Remember, we always seem to have enough energy for the things we want to do. When we feel lethargic and a friend suggests an activity we enjoy, don't we then almost spring up and into action. How is this possible to be dragged out one moment and full of pep the next?

It is attitude.

Positive attitudes energize us. And when we adopt a positive attitude about what we consider a drudgery even then we are energized.

And pure love gives us access to the most energy for ourselves. When we make the choice for love we have all the free-flowing energy available to us that we could ever want. It fills us to the gills and overflows as joy. And in the overflow we become as joy.

And that is why it is pertinent to our lives to make the choice for love. To feel the never ending flow of joy in our lives.

Joy abundant
Joy our reward and support
for making the choice to live lovingly
Our Source, Resource
ever supplying us with the energy to live joyfully
Remembering that practical spirituality is practicing love

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