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Classical Ballet Beginning to Advanced
by Susan Kramer

Klassiek ballet voor beginners en gevorderden
door Susan Kramer


copyright 2002-2018 Susan Kramer
The Netherlands
Nederlandse vertaling door Stan Schaap

Ballet and Dance Books and Ebooks

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Little Dancer at 14 by Edgar Degas; photo credit Susan Kramer


1. English - Classical Ballet Introduction
1. Nederlands - Ballet introductie

Black = English
Rood = Nederlands

Pages of Ballet Information and Lessons

1. Ballet introduction; Ballet introductie -


2. Legend in English and Dutch; Legenda in het Engels en Nederlands -


3. Ballet benefits; Klassiek ballet, de voordelen -


4. Preballet introduction and syllabus; Preballet syllabus, inleiding -


5. Beginners introduction; Beginners inleiding -


5a. Beginning Barre Work -


5b. Beginning Adagio Center  -


5c. Beginning Allegro Center -


6. Intermediate introduction; Middenklasse inleiding -


6a. Intermediate syllabus, barre work -


6b. Intermediate syllabus, adagio center practice -


6c. Intermediate syllabus, allegro center practice -


7. Advanced introduction; Gevorderden syllabus, inleiding -


7a. Advanced syllabus, barre work -


7b. Advanced syllabus, adagio center practice -


7c. Advanced syllabus, allegro center practice -


8. Pointe introduction and syllabus; Pointe introductie -


Dedication - Opdracht

Nel Roos (1914-1970)

"Dutch artists have performed or taught at the Pillow [Jacob's Pillow] since the early 1940s,
including Lucas Hoving, Nel Roos, and Pauline de Groot."

Opgedragen aan Nel Roos, die een inspiratie en mentor voor mij was
op Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival and University of Dance in 1963.

I recently read The Dance of Love by Margaret Craske (1893-1991).

The ballet technique, of which she spoke, lives on through these pages.

Her loving pupil, Susan Helene Kramer … September 15, 2012

1. English - Classical Ballet Introduction

1. Nederlands - Ballet introductie

Classical Ballet Beginning to Advanced in English with Chapter Introductions in English and

The language of ballet is French. In this book for the Dutch reader, the chapter introductions are in Nederlands, and the technique is explained in French and English with a legend to translate English abbreviations to Nederlands.

Klassiek ballet voor beginners en gevorderden met hoofdstuk inleidingen in het Nederlands en de techniek in het Frans en Engels -

Music and ballet are intertwined - in the classroom and on stage. In the history of ballet it has worked both ways - musicians have composed with the idea for a ballet in mind, and ballets have been created from the inspiration of music.

Muziek en ballet zijn nauw verweven, zowel in het leslokaal als op het podium. In de geschiedenis van het ballet heeft het beide kanten op gewerkt: musici hebben composities gemaakt met het oog op ballet en balletten zijn gecreëerd op inspiratie van muziek.

As students, we had piano accompaniment of the classics with each combination, and to this day I am uplifted hearing the music of Bach, Beethoven, Bizet, Chopin, Debussy, Dvorák, Grieg, Händel, Lehar, Franz Liszt, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Rachmaninov, Rimsky-Korsakov, Saint-Saëns, Smetana, Johann Strauss, Jr., Tchaikovsky, and Vivaldi, amongst others.

Als leerlingen werden we begeleid door klassiek piano spel bij elke combinatie en tot op de dag van vandaag raak ik in vervoering als ik muziek hoor van onder andere Bach, Beethoven, Bizet, Chopin, Debussy, Dvorák, Grieg, Händel, Lehar, Franz Liszt, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Rachmaninov, Rimsky-Korsakov, Saint-Saëns, Smetana, Johann Strauss jr., Tsjaikovski, en Vivaldi.

This complete ballet series in English is available
as a 100 page paperback or ebook manual –

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Classical Ballet Beginning to Advanced by Susan Kramer

Nederlandse inleiding tot het boek
"Classical Ballet Beginning to Advanced"

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Dutch introduction to Classical Ballet Beginning to Advanced by Susan Kramer


This text is in the "Rhythmic Movement Dance Series"
part of the Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM) of the United States Department of Education.


Photo credit: Susan Kramer of Degas’ “Little Dancer at 14” in Musée D’Orsay, Paris, France
