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Confirmation Prayers and Meditation

Confirmation Prayers


In loving grace

I walk today

Content to follow in Your ways.


Choosing the path

That You impart

Brings peace and joy into my heart.




Find a time before the Confirmation ceremony to have a quiet meditation, where you can reflect for some minutes on this important event.


If you have your own bedroom, sit either on the edge of the bed or on a cushion on the floor. If on the bed place the soles of your feet firmly on the floor for balance. And if sitting on the floor on a cushion or folded blanket bend your legs in.


Either way, sit up straight and fold your hands in your lap, or place your palms face up or face down on your thighs. Close your eyes.


Begin even breathing to calm yourself and center your mind. Big events, like a Confirmation can cause excitement; the measured breathing helps restore balance. An example is breathe in 2 counts, breathe out 2 counts, breathe in 2 counts and continue this rhythmic pattern throughout your meditation.


After a minute of counted breathing let the thoughts of counting go and turn your attention to the upcoming event or initiation, whatever term is being used.


When I received Confirmation I was told the Holy Spirit would be coming into my life to guide my actions for the greatest good. I felt this was right and holy for me.


This is the time to think over how you feel Confirmation will affect your life. Spend a few minutes reflecting.


To finish your meditation say one or both of the prayers above, then take a deep breath in and slowly release it. Stand and stretch and dress for your ceremony. When you return home later, record any insights from the ceremony in your meditation journal for periodic review. May your life be blessed.


Prayer and meditation copyright Susan Helene Kramer 2011. Photo credit of dove Stan Schaap

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Copyright 2002-2011 Susan Helene Kramer