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The largest daily world peace cyber group meditation in the
world; as of May 25, 2023 we have more than one million, one hundred and twenty
nine thousand (1,129, 000) meditators.
The group energy
of meditating as one family of humanity is far reaching: It uplifts the
meditator and everyone who has contact with that person, because the peaceful
vibrations we send out are contagious.
Just by
meditating with us you have become a member of this all-inclusive movement for
personal and world peace. The number of meditators comes from my cyber
meditation thread here:
Each person meditating spreads a harmonious feeling to others, infinitely.
The photo at right is me, Susan Kramer, in
sitting meditation.
Daily cyber group meditation time
Here in Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, I begin a daily 10 minute cyber meditation each day at 8pm.
Meditate at 8pm your time so that we
form a world-wide rolling meditation.
Even if you have only 1
minute please join in!
The cyber
meditation intention is three-fold:
- Personal peace
- Planetary peace
- World upliftment
With many of us in front of a computer screen during cyber meditation time, here
is a mini-meditation you could use:
While sitting up straight in your chair,
plant the soles of your feet firmly on the floor, fold your hands in your lap
or rest them palms up or palms down on your thighs.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath in and slowly
release it. Then pay attention to regular breathing, for example, take one
count to inhale, and one count to exhale. Continue for a minimum of one minute.
To experience my place of peace I meditate for at least 10 minutes.
Finish the mini-meditation with a deep inhalation and exhalation.
Before opening your eyes think an uplifting affirmation such as: I am feeling peaceful and I send that peace
to all my world family. More affirmations and thoughts for the day are
listed below.
And that concludes our daily world-wide
cyber meditation.
If you are meditating using a mantra
Notice the inner
sound supporting your mantra, seemingly coming from under the crown of your skull.
The soothing sound resembles a gently rushing stream. Then, listen to this
soothing vibration rather than continuing to mentally say your mantra. Whenever
you can, tune in to this underlying vibration, variously known at the Holy
Spirit, Om, Voice of God. It is an effective way to pray, a gift from our
Source, as it clears and settles your mind, opening the way, so that when you
are seeking specific direction, an answer will follow as a thought on what to
If you'd like
meditations on particular spiritual topics, check out the table of contents
page on my book or ebook: Meditation Reveals
Our Sacred Body
I feel good being part of the solution to bringing peaceful vibrations to our
planet, and we can all participate in this meditation from wherever we are. Be
part of the solution.
Personal peace practiced
Leads to planetary peace mastered.
* * *
Collection of thoughts for each day:
By meditating deeply, give peace a chance in your life before promoting
it to others ...
Take walking steps toward peace every day ...
Start your day peacefully and for a refresher, meditate ...
Hold tight to your peace of mind in the midst of
turmoil - meditate more if necessary ...
Let peaceful thoughts dominate your mind and replace distress ...
Walk peacefully one measured step at a time ...
Walk out through your doorway feeling peace, and let it radiate as a sun - our planet needs peace as much as it needs the
sun ...
Amongst the billions of star systems let's become known as the peaceful
planet earth ...
Breathe in peace, breathe out kind actions ...
Let's earn world peace one by one, till the world becomes one harmonious
family ...
Train your kids to interact peacefully in the family, and they'll do so
in the world ...
encourage peace in our relationship by modeling peace in ourselves; meditate to
dwell in more and more peace ...
Time spent in
meditation reaps the reward of peace in daily life ...
Set up a
regular meditation routine and it will increase your peace and creative
energies ...
opens us to our inner sacred self, where peace, harmony, and love emanate from
peaceful is worth a lot; meditate for a free, deep experience ...
Make a
regular time for meditation so that it becomes a habit - a portal of peace each
day is nice to look forward to ...
peace in our lives makes space for creative ideas in other ways; meditate to
discover your roots of peace...
I'd rather
enjoy peace than drama in my life and meditation keeps me on the high even keel
regularly to make it a habit - we all deserve the peace and harmony it promotes
in our daily life ...
Stay calm,
but if not possible, walk away, and later meditate to reclaim your peace ...
opens us to the peaceful state where problems can be examined in greater detail
and choices for resolving come to mind ...
is a gift, it takes us through the mish mash to our
sparkling radiance and eternal place of peace beyond ...
Be the peace
you wish in your life and see it grow around you;
meditate to deepen your peaceful experience ...
Peace is the
reward for meditating regularly and deeply ...
Let love and
peace grow by deepening your meditation and pulling love up by its silver
thread into the day light ...
Peace and harmony
in the world will grow as each of us grow in a likewise manner - meditate to
increase your peace ...
Peace of
mind comes when you use the clear sighted benefits of meditation to work out
issues - keep up your meditation!
regularly to get the most peace in your life, then manifest it through your
actions for the benefit of the world ...
Carry peace
in your pocket, whip it out when you need to interact with someone in distress,
meditate to increase your pocket of peace ...
Meditation breeds
peace, personally and while interacting in the world - so, let it be part of
your daily routine ...
is such a gift, and we realize it as such the more we plunder its peaceful and
radiant depths ...
By being
peaceful ourselves we encourage peace in others; meditate to reclaim or deepen
your peace ...
The more
people on our planet that are peaceful, the greater chance we have for peace to
spread to everyone; meditate to become your fully peaceful self ...
Let's all
pray and meditate for peace over the winter solstice, turning the tide of
attitudes towards peace on our dear planet earth ...
radiant meditation is our reward for probing the depths of ourselves to meet
our soul, face to face, and it is both peaceful and blissful ...
Keep your
personal peace at all costs, run away into the recesses of meditation to be
recharged and gain strength, remember that personal peace leads to world peace
Enjoy the
depths of meditation and become more peaceful at the same time ...
Extend a
helping hand and feel your peace blossom, meditate to expand in consciousness
Make every day
a celebration by sharing your peace with the world; go into meditation to
develop it more fully ...
When each of
us becomes peaceful, our world as a whole will be
peaceful; meditating helps us feel a peaceful connection in ourselves and as an
undivided part of the whole ...
Peace and
harmony can be ours when we live a just life, and meditating helps align us
with the highest good because it opens our consciousness to a greater reality
than what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears ...
Give peace a
chance to grow in your life by meditating regularly and following your
conscience ...
Our planet
deserves the best for giving us the best - all the resources we need to grow in
health. Let's take care of earth by growing in peace in our deep meditations
combine our efforts for personal and world peace by diving within to our place
of peace and harmony in meditation ...
Let's finish
the year with a meditation on how we can personally and communally bring more
peace into the world ...
Till cyber
meditation time …
Susan Kramer
Copyright © 2002-2023 Susan Kramer
Page updated February 9, 2018; July 25, 2019; January 29, 2022; May
25, 2023