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Learning Disabilities Articles for Help with Kids by Susan Kramer


1. What Is Dysgraphia?
2. Dyslexia Information and Help
3. Oppositional Defiant Disorder - Symptoms
Oppositional Defiant Disorder - Explained
5. Oppositional Defiant Disorder - Managing Anger
6. What Is Childhood Disintegrative Disorder  - CDD?
Hyperlexia Information
8. Asperger's Disorder Information
9. TSC and Learning Disabilities
Living Harmoniously with Learning Disabilities
11. Cooperation and Learning Disabilities
12. Overcoming Stress
13. Dividing Time Between Your Kids
14. Helping Kids with Challenges Make Friends
15. Learning Difficulties or Disabilities?
16. Making Transitions and Learning Disabilities
17. Helping Kids Find New Solutions
18. Back to School Dress When Challenged
19. Showing Courage and Learning Disabilities
20. Teach Kids to Stay Close to Home
21. Feeling Fear and Learning Disabilities
22. Kids Learn Trustworthiness
23. Multitasking Ideas
24. Laziness or Learning Disabilities?
25. Helping Kids Reach Their Goals
26. Family Roundtable Discussions with Kids
27. Materialism Issues
28. Illness or Accident Leading to a Challenge
29. Vocational or Academics for Challenged Teens?
30. Expectations and Relating
31. Nurturing Kids of All Abilities
32. Our Roles in the Eyes of Society
Developing Self-Esteem
34. Changing Goals and Learning Disabilities
35. Shopping Trips Can Be Educational
36. Achievement with Learning Disabilities
37. Resolving Conflicts and Learning Disabilities
38. Teaching Kids Order and Organization
39. Family Life with Learning Disabilities
40. Backyard Motor Skills Games
41. Truancy and Learning Disabilities
42. Kids Learn About Playing Fairly
43. Looking for Equitable Resolves
44. Aerobic Activities for Stress Relief in School
45. Acceptance, Abundance and Learning Disabilities
46. Kids Learn About Sharing

16. Making Transitions and Learning Disabilities

Each moment is transitory to the next. Life is a long series of transitions, moment to moment, hour to hour, day to day, birth to childhood, to adulthood. When we have children with learning disabilities we can help them through the times of transition in their lives by being there for them, providing a constant force of care during change.

We can easily flow and allow change as it naturally occurs, and in this way grow in fullness and maturity, ripening well as fruits on the tree ripen and share with whomever need them. Or, we can mentally, emotionally, and physically resist the changes, which happen anyway.

Resisting change takes more energy than flowing and accepting. It is harder to stand still against the pounding ocean surf than to float atop the waves. Resistance or acceptance is our choice.

We resist the change of transition out of fear of the unknown. But, the underlying reality is always harmoniously flowing for our best interest and it feels good.

It makes more sense to observe mother nature and note that all physical forms only change from physical to energy to physical to energy over and over again. No atom on any plane of existence is ever lost, only in one of its various momentary forms. We can't see energy with our physical eyes so we think that when a physical form disintegrates it is gone forever.

Nature itself disproves this. Physics disproves this. The physical has only made a transition to the invisible energy and will probably come into another physical form some day.

There are no breaks or spaces of emptiness in the transition between the various states of being. Whether mineral, plant, animal, or human, there is absolutely no way there could ever be a void of consciousness during transitions.

Transitions are a process of change.

Watch a paper burn. First the paper is just as it is. Then the lit match touches the paper causing a slight discoloration where the paper is converting to heat energy and then, before our eyes we fully feel and see the heat and flame, the energy, manifesting itself. Then we see a pile of ash. The ash mixed into the earth nourishes a new seedling, perhaps again becoming paper later on. All that we observed were transitions of matter to energy to matter. Was there ever an empty space, a state of nothingness? No.

When we sleep at night our waking consciousness withdraws from the sense organs, rests, then returns upon waking. Later that day consciousness again withdraws. We survive that transition of energy being in our limbs to energy being withdrawn from our limbs, back and forth every day.

We do not experience any discomfort or sense of loss as our senses withdraw and we fall into sleep. We continue on. We easefully make the transition every day.

From these observations we see that all life continues on, only its visible form disappears from our physical sight. We can feel our unseen oneness with our family and friends, feel our unseen ties at this moment, those ties not dependent on anyone's physical presence with us, when we are feeling the energy form of manifestation that we call care or love.

Article by Susan Kramer

Resources for parents, teachers and homeschooling families:

Click on cover image
Rhythms and Dances for School Age Kids

Rhythms and Dances for School Age Kids
Click on cover image
Rhythms and Dances for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Rhythms and Dances for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Click on cover image
Kinesthetic Math and Language Lessons

Kinesthetic Math and Language Lessons
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All articles copyright © 2000-2011 Susan Helene Kramer
Susan Kramer has worked as a dance specialist with kids and adults of all abilities for more than 30 years,
and lives with her husband in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Click autobiography for details.