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2 to 10 minutes.
Sit with
crossed legs and a straight back and look straight ahead. Fold your hands
together and let them rest in your lap. Close your eyes.
Breathe quietly and evenly, in and out. Count in silence
every in and out breath.
Start with breathing in on count one, and finish with
breathing out on count 50, or another even number.
Count one: breathe in
Count two: breathe out
Count three: breathe in
Continue quietly counting ...
While breathing evenly, listen to the sound of your
breathing. This is for concentration, to help the mind wander less.
If you are very quiet and concentrated you may begin to hear the inner
vibration, seemingly generated under the crown of your skull. If you hear this
hum like a gently rushing sound of water, begin listening to the vibration
rather than to your even in and out breaths.
Listening to your even breathing, or to the inner vibration, calms and centers the body-mind.
A centered body-mind becomes
a creative tool in all aspects of living.
~ By Susan Helene Kramer