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Spiritual Thoughts and
Memories –
by Susan Kramer
of nearby vegetable garden in Castricum, The
Listen to the wind within
Until it wraps around your heart
And takes you on a flight
Above this kingdom with its woes
Where in time we surely go
Together hand in hand
Into the Holy Land –
Blessed and blessings from above
Knowing at last Our Greatest Love.
Our Greatest Love © 2023 Susan Kramer
Taking the Moral High Road
Committing to Walking the Talk
Remembering Mama
Meditation for Seniors
Using Our Dream Body to the Max
Laying Down One’s Life for Another
Peace in Your World?
Hail Mary, Full of Grace
Is Everyone Part of the Grand Scheme?
Receiving a Touch of Grace
No Sidewalls to Be Seen
Communion Across Planes of Existence
Body and Mind
Coping with Major Illness
Meditation for Problem Solving
Making Contact Across Planes of Existence
Expressing Deep Down Goodness
Reenergized by Lucid Dream Experience
How I Distribute My Writings
Words Are a Boomerang
Our Deeper Self, Our Private Self
From Whence Comes Our Peace in This World?
Does Uplifting Reading
Boost Contemplation and Meditation?
The Holy Spirit Inspires Me
Entwined with God in a Lucid Dream
Benefits of Listening to the Overtones of Om
Life Liberty and Respect
My Lucid Dream Experience of Rumi’s Poem
Communing with Our Dearly Departed
Committed Relationships and Practical Spirituality
Good As Good Can Be
Thoughts on the Assumption
The Ascension
Thoughts, Ethereal Energy, Meditation
Breath Sustains Life
Uplifted in a Vision of Group Meditation
My Beloved Pet Visited Me from Beyond the Pale
Forgiveness Works Both Ways
Practicing Meditation for Problem Solving
Where My Writings Originate
Brothers and Sisters
A Preview of My Body Falling Away
Infinitely Connected
Born of Water and the Spirit
Magic Mirror
Let Your Light Shine
Molecules in Action
Intentional Thoughts Can Direct Change in the Physical World
Casting Stones
The Helping Hand of Meditation
Meditation Mount, Ojai, California
Collectively we set the
tone of humanity
Each of us together
One world family
One world consciousness.
How one acts, reflects upon the other, as all
we do is interwoven into the tapestry of the whole.
If we individually maintain a high level of
ethics and morality, an example is set for others. We become a bright and
positive beacon by our enlightened example, creating a positive atmosphere.
We probably spend part of our day
interrelating, giving us the chance to make positive change in the world.
Morality is the outcome of living for what is
best in the situation, moment after moment. Maintaining morality keeps us from
asserting self-centeredness to the extent that we only think about personal
pleasure, without thinking about the consequences of our actions on others.
Morality is purity in action. Morality takes
the high road.
The highest morality is living with a
positive attitude that translates into caring actions for others. Morality is
the present moment's truth, striving toward the ultimate Truth, gained by
acting from caring thoughts, and feelings, and actions.
The collective morality
Is made from the moral fiber of high standards
Woven into an exquisite pattern of humanity
Taking the Moral High Road Copyright © 2022 Susan Kramer;
Photo of Meditation Mount, Ojai, California
USA, 1999 by Susan Kramer
Photo: overlooking Castricum, The Netherlands
The most effective way to
teach is to walk the talk. And our strength of character gets stronger when
temptation to do otherwise would be easier, or unnoticed by others.
Another way of putting it,
is that actions speak louder than words.
We can preach about what
is right, but cannot expect anyone to give credence to those words if we are
not living them.
Children observe what
their parents do more than what they say. Parents must model the behavior they
want and expect from their children.
A spiritual teacher, in
particular, needs to follow what they say is the way to act, or be, or do.
Otherwise, the teacher belies the word teacher. They are not a true teacher of
what they are saying.
Walking the talk both
strengthens us, and shows others it is possible to live those convictions.
Before doing as a person
espouses, give weight to how they are living. Observe their actions. Are they walking the talk?
The world has many paths.
Choose one that helps you develop greater consciousness, leading you to your
own inner teacher, your conscience, for guidance.
Walking the talk
Develops strength of
Highest consciousness
Committing to Walking
the Talk © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo: water filtration through the sand in The Dunes National Park, The Netherlands
Fidelity means being true to
a promise. It includes living as we say we will.
What comes to my mind hearing
the word fidelity, is how it’s applied to marriage.
When partners are faithful to
each other, it expands the personal horizon of both. We no longer need to put
energy into seeking a mate for companionship, or to have children.
Instead, we can concentrate
our energy developing and being productive with our talents. This benefits the
greater good of everyone we relate with.
A greater relaxation between
friends and others is possible, when we are not contemplating initiating an
intimate relationship.
That wonderful quality
Expanding us personally
Benefiting others.
Fidelity © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo: Mike, Jane, Mary 1979
A few days ago I was looking
at photos of my son, now over a half century old, beginning with his birth. I
paused at one where he was 6 months old, sitting on a carpet at my parents’
My parents passed away many
years ago and I haven’t really thought about them too deeply in a long time.
But as I sat looking at my sons’ photo I started missing my mother acutely and
even cried a little. I was remembering my mother in that setting and how I felt
back then.
While I was still feeling
weepy an extraordinary globe of bright light appeared next to the right side of
my face containing the animated face of my mother. And my mother in her own
voice said to me “I am always with you.” This vision lasted a couple of seconds,
but has remained in my memory as being real, a comfort, an unbreakable
It was a day before I related
this experience to my husband. And now writing about this event, I’m very
grateful to see and hear that my dear mother is with me and always has been.
I realized that the astral light
I saw, being much brighter than earthly light, must be of a finer substance
than scientists know about at this time. I was perceiving the experience with
my mind which must be traversing the physical and astral worlds. And how
wonderful that the luminous astral world revealed itself to me in those
moments. Further, I am old enough to know that sooner rather than later I will
be transitioning to this bright world beyond physical barriers.
I have occasionally been in
the luminous place of mind in deep meditation. It is not just bright light, but
a warm, expansive, and joyful feeling of stretching out as much as I want, as
far as I want without restraints. To finish relating this experience I’d like
to share that even if we can’t physically see others, they are with us in the
communion of our astral minds.
Deep meditation is one way to
enjoy this inseparable union.
The worlds of mind appear divided
But in fact are one
We discover eternal unity
By relaxing into the deepest recesses
Of mind, our eternal mind in God
Remembering Mama © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo: Susan sitting for meditation
Age and physical condition
are not a hindrance to meditating. The important preparation is to find a
position that can be maintained without trying to sustain it for the length of
the meditation.
I’m a senior-senior now, over
75, and I find sitting on a chair with back support enables me to forget about my
body for at least 10 minutes for our daily 8pm cyber meditation. This position,
upright in the chair, keeps me awake. If I lay down, such as at bedtime I
usually do not make it through my night prayers before sleep claims me.
Meditating upright in the chair keeps me alert and awake.
I press the soles of my feet
into the floor when I begin, like placing a tent stake, to keep my body
balanced in place without having to consciously think about it during
meditation. Positioning yourself for meditation is important, and propped in
the chair is the support I use in my senior years.
If you are new to
meditation here is an easy way to begin:
Position your body upright
and stable in your chair. Fold your hands in your lap, close your eyes.
Position your feet to keep your body in a still position.
Begin even and regular
breathing like this: Counts 1, 2 inhale; counts 3,4 exhale. Counts 1, 2 inhale;
counts 3, 4 exhale. Do not hold your breath. Continue this pattern without
saying or thinking the numbers. Instead, observe your breath flowing in and out,
in and out. If at some point you hear the stream of inner music, seemingly
emanating from under the top of your skull, listen to it for the remainder of
your meditation.
Different paths refer to this
internal stream of vibration as the Holy Spirit, Naam, Om, Amen. It is all the
same experience. The point is its calming effect allows fresh ideas to come to
mind, to help situations in your life. Meditation is practical. It calms your
conscious mind enough to see deeper options to situations in your daily life.
And it leaves you feeling refreshed, uplifted.
Senior meditation
The same help as always
With life’s challenges.
Meditation for Seniors © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo at Jacob’s Pillow with Ted Shawn, Sept. 2, 1964. Susan at far right.
Back in the early 70s in my
20s, I was running the track alongside the men’s team at Anne Arundel Community
College. This was because there was no women’s team at that time. It was
exhilarating just to run, and I kept it up till moving to the west coast in
Fast forward to last
night. After more than a 45-year break, I once again experienced that runners’
high, and this time in a dream.
I felt all the sensations in
my dream body as if it was a physical body, which was nice, because when I
awoke, I was not sore or even out of breath. All the highs and none of the
pain. And this was even after my dream body ran all out for more than 50 miles
along Rt. 101 in California, between San Luis Obispo and Santa Maria. To add to
the excitement, I pushed myself and raced past a group of male runners along
the way.
This was an experience that
reinforced in my mind that we can fulfill our physical and mental desires in
the dream state if we can’t act out in the physical. And now in my 70s I sure
can’t run full speed for a block, much less 50 miles like I did in my lightweight
dream body – or astral body if you call it that.
At other times I have used my
dream or astral body to perform classical ballet on stage like I did in my
teens and 20s. What is amazing to me, is that in dreams the execution of the
steps is easier and more perfect than my physical effort ever was.
What I’m learning is that age
is no barrier to experiencing what we want to in the world, if we can accept
that it’s okay to enjoy our dream or astral body as a substitute, or even as
better than a physical experience – because it is gain without pain.
Using our Dream Body to
the Max © 2023 Susan Kramer
River Rhine going through Nijmegen NL. To the left of the bridge the Netherlands, to the right Germany.
I’ve been thinking about the
phrase – laying down one’s life for another – and wondering if it meant dying
for another?
The thought came to me it
could mean something different, like laying aside a selfish attitude in favor
of a plan that would serve the greater good. The result would make those
affected happier.
I have found through
experience I feel peace of mind when doing the right thing. I do not feel
peaceful when acting selfishly. Does anyone?
In modern terms the phrase
could read – peace comes from setting aside selfish plans and acting for the
greater good.
One way I’ve thought to apply
this teaching is practical: When out on a walk, I collect trash along the
sidewalk in a shopping bag, disposing of it in my can at home, because it seems
the right thing to do for the environment.
When we come across an old
phrase that seems outdated, we must look at the meaning it was meant to teach.
It may take some reflection, but why throw away a valuable teaching, just
because at first it seems outdated.
Selfishness to selflessness
Spreads satisfaction all around.
Laying Down One’s Life
for Another © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo by Stan Schaap of canal
leading to historic lime kiln factory on the inner sea in Enkhuizen,
the Netherlands. Sailboats in the background.
Walking beside a canal I felt
a sense of peace. Perhaps the easy rhythm of my stride regulated my scattered
Having captured these moments
of peace I decided to continue walking a bit longer than usual. I gave myself
time to think about the inner source of my peaceful feelings.
I realized that outer events were the same during the walk as they were when I was
preparing to set out. So, peace was not coming from outside events in my life.
Peace had swelled up and
overtaken my mind when I got into the rhythm of harmony in a body–mind activity
while regulating my breathing – evenly in and out.
This peaceful harmony can
arise in other body–mind practices, and in the rhythmic breathing of
Continuing to walk and going
deeper in thought I saw that events in this world continue to roll on, but my
reaction to them is my responsibility to control.
I realized that if I felt
upset by what’s out there, I could get back into body–mind harmony by breathing
rhythmically on a long walk.
Others may choose another
form of rhythmic exercise that has the same result of squashing mental turmoil,
restoring peaceful thoughts.
Events in the world outside
our direct control are of others’ making.
To restore and radiate your
inner peace, amid surrounding busyness, take a few moments to meditate quietly,
silently, peacefully, breathing evenly.
To find peace within
Harmonize breathing
With body–mind rhythms
Hold positive thoughts
Peace in Your World? © 2023 Susan
Photo by S. Kramer of Mother Mary statue in garden.
“Hail Mary, Full of Grace”
are words that come to mind when I am stressed. This short prayer and mantra
return me to my spiritual center, where I can make reasonable choices.
Mother Mary of the Hail Mary Prayer lives in my heart, safely nestled where all
that is dear to me resides.
In times of need, I feel so lucky to feel Mother Mary’s grace perfuse my mind,
pointing out the way to go.
While a girl, I was given a wool scapula, which I wore during the day next to
my skin, and then when older (and now, too) wore a Miraculous Medal on a chain
around my neck. I have felt my Heavenly Mother’s blessings most of my life.
I am grateful for the years with my earthly mother nurturing me in the ways of
practical living, preparing me by example for the reception of dear Blessed
Mother Mary’s graces.
For the children in your life, it is never too early to give them motherly
lessons that inspire them to be good in the present, while showing them how to
act in the future.
Inspirational women have come from many if not all religions. I see and feel
the uplifting energy of caring love, divine love, emanating from women saints
of all traditions and am eternally grateful.
From a lucid dream:
I asked the Pope (a man) why I couldn’t be a priest in the Catholic Church. He
looked at me and said: “If women were priests, who would be left to nurture
Okay, that was a satisfactory answer at the moment, but from a deeper point of
view, I think women can both nurture and spiritually guide families and the
flock as needed. Don’t you?
Hail Mary, Full of
Grace © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo by Stan Schaap
Preparing for meditation, I
was sitting in the upstairs library in front of the picture window, facing
east, the sun pouring in, when my thoughts turned to my mother. After 30 years
since she passed on, it felt like the distant past.
Sitting for meditation
When I sit for meditation, I begin
by mentally asking blessings for those family and friends who have requested
prayers. My habit is to visualize a person as I think of them. That morning I
reflected that since my mother had died many
years before, I hadn’t kept
her in my recent meditation prayer time very often.
This day, as I looked out the
sunny window I once again thought of mother. Her face appeared in front of me,
or as may be, in my inner vision. Hallelujah!
I realized that it is not
just God who is ever with us.
It is that everyone is still
present and accounted for who has ever lived or will live upon earth, in fact
everywhere in every dimension and time.
This was such a comforting
thought. I do not have to reach back in time in my mind to find my mother or
anyone who has passed on.
I found that we are all in it
together, right now, and for always. And, that quiet meditation time is a way
to enjoy closeness, communion with anyone and all right now, with a full
feeling of connection.
I recommend meditating to
have the uplifting experience of yourself, and everyone, as part of the grand
scheme of God.
Meditate –
In the quiet stillness
Perceive a place for everyone, everything
In God.
Is Everyone Part of the Grand Scheme? © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo by Stan Schaap of garden Susan planted along our street, in front of our apartment in Amsterdam.
No one was more surprised
than me to receive a touch of grace coming through a friend in my generation –
just after my fortieth birthday.
I offered a ride home from a
spiritual service, and before leaving we paused outside my car for a few
moments, remarking on the mild evening air.
Then before entering the car,
my friend spontaneously blessed me by momentarily holding a hand just above my
head. I didn’t see it coming.
In that transmission, I was
filled with joyful energy so strong that it has stayed with me ever since,
re-vitalizing me whenever I remember the experience.
I have used this flowing and
uplifting grace-filled energy to write many articles on practical spiritual
living. After all, I was the mother of five, and family life was how I lived
and practiced virtues.
Now, many years later, I
ponder if I had somehow prepared myself to receive the blessing of enough
loving grace-filled energy to inspire and sustain my spiritual writing for a
For some years before, I had been devoted to loving God and
doing good for others. But, with the astral touch of grace, the bar of my
spiritual energy was raised.
As I’ve mentioned in the
past, even as a school-age girl, I nightly I took my beads from under my
pillow, and said a rosary for the soul in purgatory who needed it most. It was
my own idea and I felt good doing that even at eight years old.
My advice: If you want
joy-filled communion beyond this ordinary world, give of your time and energy
to uplift others; it uplifts you along the way.
May the energy of God’s love
Embrace and joyfully float you
Gracefully along
In the ever-flowing river of life.
Receiving a Touch of Grace ©
2023 Susan Kramer
Photo by S. Kramer
looking south from East Camino Cielo over Santa Barbara and the Pacific
Sitting on the couch with hubby
facing me sitting on a chair, we had just finished our evening meditation. In
the quiet moments after coming back to everyday consciousness I realized we are
not separate from each other at all in mind, and I felt part of one and all.
It was such a relief and felt
joyful. My personal sidewalls had come tumbling down.
This realization had begun to
build up a couple of weeks previously. During a discussion with a friend
holding another point of view, I suddenly sided with the other side of the
coin. I felt and understood what the other was thinking, and empathized so much
that both points of view became okay in my mind. I felt like there was just one
of us instead of me and the other.
I feel confident this was a
transformation in my way of thinking. I realized we have the choice to think
we’re involved in conflict, or an observer looking broadly at other points of
view. We have the choice to hold rigid viewpoints, or
be relaxed like water flowing and exploring all openings in every direction.
I’m feeling like a being
whose mind stretches to include everyone around me in awareness. Maybe my mind
is directing my physical actions for the best outcome all the time. That’s what
my life seems like.
I’ve always wanted to meet an
alien, a being from another planet.
Well now, I think our mind
can stretch with unlimited possibilities and just thinking I have no sidewalls,
I’ve left open the possibility that I communicate instantly with others
(including aliens) regardless of time, place, space. That in the long run we
are an important part of all that is, past, present, future, wrapped into this
everlasting moment.
No sidewalls to be seen
Blocking me and another
From each other.
No Sidewalls to Be Seen © 2023
Susan Kramer
Photo by Stan Schaap of Le Louvre, Paris, France, on a rainy day.
From my recent lucid
I was getting ready to lead a
group of people in a sitting meditation for world peace. Before beginning, I
told the group that I have decided to continue meditating for human spiritual
evolution after I am no longer in this physical body.
Reflecting upon waking:
After leaving my physical body,
I wish to sit in my astral body in the ethereal Himalayan Mountains, with
ascended masters who are meditating for humanity’s spiritual benefit. I
visualize myself in this next step, as opposed to exploring higher planes of
spiritual experience.
Practical plans:
I’m a practical person, which
is probably why I write on practical spirituality, and in my lucid dream my
next thought was, I wonder what I’ll wear? I thought that it should be a
loose-fitting outfit to sit in cross-legged meditation for hours on end. Of
course, I realized it would not exactly be heavy cotton material since I was on
an astral plane, but maybe a very light-weight silk fabric in white with a thin
blue-violet ribbon border. I know I won’t really have a physical silk sari, but
that is what my dream created for me.
This lucid dream totally matches up as a practical next step in my continuing
life journey. Even now, living as wife, mother, and grandmother on earth, using
this physical body to get things done, I have for 20 years been leading a
world-wide spiritual cyber meditation for peace at 8pm each evening. (That’s
8pm your time, because we all live in different time zones.)
Meditate now:
In each occurring moment, we
do not need to be in the physical presence of others to commune with them.
By slipping into meditation, we can be in communion with those in unseen
spiritual realms. We can have conversations with our loved ones just by asking
and receiving their answers in our mind.
Daily, dive ever more deeply into meditation. Practice makes perfect, and
practice in meditation further expands awareness. An endless choice of
possibilities opens to our waking self.
Life continues
Realm to realm.
We expand in love
By caring ever more sincerely
Along the way.
Communion Across Planes of Existence © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo by S. Kramer of Buddha and St. Francis in our garden.
While living in a physical
world, we use a physical body, with physical limitations. What is unlimited
are thoughts.
The mind is not seen in the
physical world, but its presence is known by observing that it can direct the
physical world intelligently.
The Greater Mind:
While using a physical body
we have a chance to observe the Greater Mind at work through all it inspires us
to create.
In thought or mind we can
do anything and be anywhere.
If we practice enough, we can
use our mind and physical body combination, to achieve goals in art, music,
science, athletics, and other ventures.
And further, we can step up
in conscious awareness, to come to know our source, the supreme conductor of
all of life – God, through direct insight in deep meditation.
When you use your
physical body and mind
To act on the prodding
of the Greater Mind
You are happiest
Moment to moment to
Body and Mind © 2023 Susan
Photo credit Stan Schaap of beach along North Sea, The Netherlands
Times of personal illness affect others, too.
Emotionally, there may be loss or change. Perhaps the cost of care is a factor,
and who is going to be the caregiver?
Major illness is a catalytic force of change
for the one ill, other family members, or extended family. Illness probably
comes in all families at some point in our lives; it seems universal.
What I've found in coping with the illness
and death of my mother, is that I need to do what is necessary to maintain my
personal harmony during these changes and feelings of loss.
I spent 9 months of this past year ill. Now I
feel recovered, but it was another kind of process being the one ill and not
the caregiver. During this period, I had to learn to surrender to the best for
that moment, and it was hard. I wanted to be up and productive, but I didn't
have the strength or stamina. I tried not to be needy, to spare my husband
extra work.
What helped me recover faster, I think, was
that I stayed as much as possible in consciousness of the Inner Vibration. This
constant companion soothes and harmonizes thoughts and the body. It is
perceived within the head under the crown of the skull. Its gentle streaming
melody remains present during times of feeling good, or in illness.
During my mother's final illness, I sat with
her and stayed in the consciousness of the Inner Vibration. She told me that
she had come to feel this soothing presence, and it gave her peace.
Coping with a major illness sends us back to
our roots; roots of harmony and peace that are sunk deep in each of us, which
we can draw from when in need. Communion with the Inner Vibration, the
Vibration of Peace, is a stabilizing stronghold for me when I'm sick, or being
the caregiver, or just coping with everyday life.
And more than coping
Recouping natural harmony in stressful times
By tuning in with the ever-present
Inner Vibration of Peace.
Coping with Major Illness ©
2023 Susan Kramer
I find
meditation a rejuvenating "deep rest." I end with more energy than I
By first
looking at the inner light in meditation, the outer daylight looks clearer, in
a way that I can see a solution to problems.
I don’t
get down and depressed very often, but I often get physically and mentally
exhausted from trying to solve too many situations at the same time.
gives me a room in my mind to go, where I can think over one thing at a time,
then decide on the best course to follow.
further confusing or difficult situations arise, I practice another session of
If my mental
state is overwhelmed, a couple of meditations a day help me sort out what's
going on.
need not be just sitting, it can be walking, swimming, jogging, or any rhythmic
activity when you are by yourself, or not talking to another.
For both
children and adults, meditation can be a big help navigating more smoothly
through life.
Here are
links to some of my age-specific books on meditation:
for All Kids
and Spirituality for Teens and Young Adults -
Lessons for Adults -
Yoga and Meditation -
Meditation for Problem Solving ©
2023 Susan Kramer
Photo credit: S.
Kramer. Pond in our village in North Holland.
lines of communication are fluid. Fluid in the sense, that like water, they
flow into the cracks and crevices. The medium of movement is not really water, but is sub-atomic structure with its own set of
rules, that do not contain boundaries limiting their spread, or movement.
particles underlie every atom of creation. We can send thoughts to any
destination using these sub-atomic pathways. Both send and receive. Think of
this concept as being our own permanent telephone.
communication lines are not just unbounded by distance, but by time, and
probably other dimensions as yet uncovered by science. No physical walls, no
physical barriers, no physical time clock.
assume we use our mind to communicate thoughts through a medium such as speech,
or writing, or physically demonstrating. But if we want to, we can send
messages along the sub-atomic pathways to those without a physical body. This
is because on the sub-atomic level there are no barriers of time and space and
place. Even after physical death we are eternally sub-atomically connected.
of us at an inner level is part of the freely open pathway of communication.
Ever unbounded by the outer physical dimensions of time, place, space.
travel to any soul we send them to, whether they are alive or dead to the
physical world. It all happens at the unbounded level of sub-atomic existence.
the sub-atomic level thoughts travel on, as a sender or receiver to your loved
ones still in the physical world, or gone beyond.
We’ve always been connected
To our loved ones
And to everything –
Think on that.
Making Contact Across Planes of Existence ©
2023 Susan Kramer
Photo credit Stan Schaap: pastoral setting in North Holland
Do we always think and act on
what is really on our mind, or is there a discrepancy?
It saves energy and maintains
peace to share deepest thoughts that are good; that will have useful and
wholesome outcomes if acted upon.
None of us want to be caught short from acting in bad,
nasty, or harmful ways.
But where do bad actions
All actions begin with
thoughts, so that is our answer. If we clean up our intentions and thoughts,
right-minded actions will follow. The congruency of thinking good and acting
good gets us through life most happily.
We know, deep within, that
bad thoughts are not going to produce good results. So, it is worth upgrading
our deepest ideals from negative to positive.
We all want happiness, and
the most happiness and peace result with good thoughts from our depths arising
in good actions in the world.
We may think that we can hide
nasty thoughts deep down where they’re masked from others’ view, but we are
given away by our body language such as avoiding face to face or eye contact,
fidgeting, devious actions, or avoiding contact altogether.
If inner thoughts are not in
line with your conscience, spend time and energy elevating them to an
acceptable standard, for ethical sharing and acting.
Nurturing pure thoughts
Rejecting negative
Allows peace and
To blossom in living.
Expressing Deep Down Goodness ©
2023 Susan Kramer
credit Stan Schaap of Susan with Katje.
experience about 4am this morning, April 21, 2023, in a lucid dream: I was
reclining in a hospital bed, dressed in yoga cotton whites. A man came in and
approached me, stethoscope in hand. A nurse moved to stop him coming closer,
but he said, “I’m her doctor.”
put the steth. over the center of my chest, not quite
touching my clothing, and I instantly felt an energized radiant energy in my
dream and physical body at that spot. He slowly moved the steth.
just over my torso and arms, and as he did those areas came alive with radiant
the doctor left the room, and I woke up, my physical torso fully radiant and
energized. I stayed with the energization for an hour, then slept for an hour
before getting out of bed at 6am.
hours later I’m recording this radiant experience, so I don’t forget it. I’m 76
years old and can make use of this revitalization in my daily life, especially
with gardening and writing. But most importantly, I discovered another aspect
of my inner self – its abundant underlying radiance.
by Lucid Dream Experience © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo credit S. Kramer:
The Thinker sculpture by Auguste Rodin sits in the front garden of Musée Rodin, his former home and temporarily the home of Rainer
Maria Rilke. In the background is the gold-leaf spire of Hôtel
Les Invalides built to house 4,000 war veterans.
My spiritual writing
distribution began in September 1982. During a birthday party a friend
approached me with a spiritual question. I told her I would think about her
question and let her know the next day. This got me thinking how I could share
my spiritual insights with others.
Since this was before I knew
about computers, I typed her reply on my typewriter, mailed it off, and kept a
copy in a binder. It seems that almost every day after that I wrote at least
one practical spiritual essay.
In 1988 I typed my first book
of 130 spiritual topics, and snail-mailed the manuscript to Saul Steinberg at
Coleman Publishing, the printer of the first 16 editions of A Course in
Miracles. (Saul Steinberg passed away in 2000.) My book: Relating From Light and Love is out of print under that title.
I published a revised edition
of the content in 2009 through Lulu Inc. as God Speaks Through the Holy
Spirit, information page:
Beginning in the early 1990s
I used a computer and self-published my writings or sent articles to paper and
online venues by email. I began in August 1999.
Since 1982 I have kept a
handwritten chronological list of the titles and date of each spiritual topic
in a binder. On my home printer I also make at least one paper copy of each
piece, filed by year, lined up in folders on my bookshelves.
Earlier, from 1978, I began writing
ballet and rhythmic dance books and mailed those to the New York City Public
Library Dance Collection, where they were accepted.
all my individual writings are free on my website on the internet. Books are
listed at
and lesson plan topics are listed in the categories along the top bar of each
page on
I am grateful that I kept
notes over the years, and can share from a lifetime of experiences in dance,
practical spirituality, and my hobby of fabric dollmaking at
I Distribute My Writings © 2023 Susan Kramer
21. Words Are a Boomerang
Words are a boomerang whether
written or spoken. They are sent off traveling with energy spinning in circles,
returning to their starting point.
Let’s be careful not to be
unkind in our spoken and written words.
Who thinks it is worth the
pain of negativity boomeranging back on us?
There is no pause before
negativity boomerangs, coming back to us. It happens right as we create
an unkind thought by polluting our mind, leaving us with an unsettled, selfish,
self-serving feeling of isolation from others.
Kindness and compassion are
curative antidotes to negativity, giving us that warm fuzzy feeling when
written, spoken, or acted upon. We feel good while showering kindness upon
Words are a boomerang
What is sent out
returns to us instantly.
Negativity out –
Stress felt within
Kindness out –
Peace and connection within.
Are a Boomerang and photo © 2023 Susan Kramer
art by S. Kramer.
Our private self resides
deep within our mind. It is a place we keep to ourselves and don’t share for
good reasons. It is a bare canvas where we can explore our thoughts and ideas
that might work for us in daily life.
For example, a painter uses a
primed canvas to draw sketches, which are hidden by the final coat of paint.
Because others don’t see behind our
worldly masks, they may be surprised by what motivates our actions. If we
didn’t have this privacy about ideas we were mulling over, we would not have
important free space to work out our additions, subtractions, refinements.
We know the expression: “You
can’t judge a book by its cover.” This is true for everyone. What is going on
deep in our private area of mind is our personal property, probably known only
to our other aspects of spirit.
Guidance of the Holy Spirit:
It is in this private area of
our mind that we can relax in communion with the voice of God, the Holy Spirit,
the inner vibration heard as a subtle rushing stream under the crown of our
head. It is where we receive inspirations that motivate us to live for the
higher good.
In communion with the Holy Spirit we can set aside problems for a while, can even turn
over knotty situations to the Holy Spirit and ask for solutions. Take time to
expand your thoughts and ideas in your private place in mind. Then bring out
the best and apply it to living. With the addition of inspiration from the Holy
Spirit the best results are bound to transpire.
In communion with the Holy
Our body feels at rest
Our mind calm –
Solutions arise in our
everyday mind.
Deeper Self, Our Private Self © 2023 Susan Kramer
credit Stan Schaap, Montecito, California.
Walking beside a canal near
my home I felt a sense of peace. Perhaps the easy rhythm of my stride
transferred to my scattered thoughts, and they mostly dissolved. In this
instance body and mind were aligned in harmony. Having captured these moments
of peace I decided to continue walking a bit longer than usual. I gave myself
time to think about the inner source of my peaceful feelings.
I realized that outer events were the same during the walk as they were when I was preparing
to set out. Peace was not coming from outside events in my life. Peace had
swelled up and overtaken my mind when I got into the rhythm of harmony in a
body–mind activity. This peaceful harmony can arise in other body–mind
practices such as swimming, jogging, hatha yoga. Peacefulness arises when
channels are open and relaxed, such as rhythmic movement induces, and as
rhythmic breathing supports in the quiet of meditation.
Continuing to walk and going
deeper in thought I saw that events in this world continue to roll on, but my
reaction to them is my responsibility to control.
I saw that if I felt upset by
what’s out there, I could get back into body–mind harmony by beginning some
rhythmic breathing on the spot, and going for a long
Events in the world outside
our direct control are of others’ making. Our job is to support our own method
to personal peace and help others by deed and example to find their way to
peace. We can always take a few moments to quietly pray even in the midst of
busyness around us.
From whence comes our
peace in this world?
By harmonizing our
body–mind rhythms
Relaxing in thought
Whence Comes Our Peace in This World © 2023 Susan
Photo credit Jane Kramer of
daughter Susan, July 1952, St. John the Evangelist Church, Severna Park,
inspiring literature uplifts my mood, sets the scene for quiet contemplation
and meditation.
I’m in a good mood my body feels energized; creative and practical solutions
come to mind.
living on earth we have physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. And of these
three, my growing spiritual awareness is a delicious food that nourishes my
body and mind.
of the types of reading that uplifts me is biographies of those who have lived
saintly lives or had spiritual experiences.
I was eleven, I read a children’s edition of Our Lady of Fatima. I was so
inspired I took the youngest girl’s name, Jacinta, at my confirmation. From my
teen years on, I read as many books about saints as I could find. Then, as I
neared age thirty, I read Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa
Yogananda. His life and experiences motivated me to
meditate deeply. I would begin my daily meditations with the desire to reach as
far toward God as I could, to let no barriers of stray thoughts stand in my
written and posted many short essays of my spiritual experiences on the path at
my web site, in chronological order, at
literature that gives you a boost toward the best you can be. It will uplift
you, and by reflection others.
Uplifted by reading inspiring words
Improving my mood
Reflected in lightness with
Does Uplifting Reading Boost
Contemplation and Meditation? © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo credit S. Lewis of SH Kramer Santa Barbara,
I’ve been writing about my spiritual
insights since 1982, and I’ve been asked if this is channeled material, such as
from a non-physical being.
In answer, I believe that it
is my Higher Self in contact with the Holy Spirit Vibration, the 3rd
person of God’s triune Holy Trinity that is my inspiration, my source.
Before I sit down to write I
go within in meditation and while writing I stay in awareness of the Holy
Spirit Vibration, the flowing sound that seems to emanate from under the top of
my skull, which is not a physical sound heard by my ears.
I will say here that listening
to uplifting reverberations of harmonious sound is a way to become aware of
the Holy Spirit Vibration, particularly if you sit quietly after the musical
tones cease.
When I first started writing
about incorporating spiritual insights into practical living, I had a talk with
my “Higher Self” and said I will share spiritual information, if it has
become part of me and my life, but not write about what I have not had
experience with.
I feel joy while communing
with the Holy Spirit Vibration. This joyfulness from our Higher Self is for all
of us to seek out and commune with.
Commune with the Holy Spirit
Incorporate its joyful
As right actions in life.
The Holy Spirit Inspires Me © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo credit Stan Schaap: Beach along the North Sea, The Netherlands.
A lucid dream experience: The scene is the beach. I am
sitting in meditation facing the western horizon on one end of a thick fallen
log that is partially submerged in the sea. The day is brighter than usual, and
just after sitting down and enjoying the view of the waves gently breaking on
shore I am filled with a great love of God. My whole body feels energized and
uplifted. I feel part of God and the waves.
As the dream continues, an old friend walking along
the beach comes over and sits near me on the log. I tell him how joyful I‘m feeling realizing I am spiritually part of God. He said
he feels the same, and for a short time we silently enjoy communion with all
around us.
Then I awoke still feeling uplifting communion with
God. I felt blessed, and am recording this experience
to remember it.
Reflection: Sometimes as I go about my day I forget
how interwoven I am with my surroundings. This experience reminds me of my
verse: All our lives are as vines, intertwined.
I feel we can inspire others by positive actions and attitude, and uplift the world into closer communion with
God by living in a joyful state.
Unconditional love for others
And the creation
Is the key that opens us
To real happiness
To higher realization.
Entwined with God in a Lucid
Dream © 2023 Susan Kramer
27. Benefits of Listening to
the Overtones of Om
Photo credit S. Schaap: Le Louvre, Paris France
In a lucid dream I had a revelation with the Holy
Here’s what happened in the dream:
I was chanting Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti Om. I came to the conclusion where I usually chant Om three times.
In the dream, as I was finishing the 3rd Om
I extended the “m” part of the Om on and on and on; much further than if I had
been chanting it in a waking state. I seemed to have an unlimited supply of
breath to achieve this, and that ability was a supernatural gift. I am grateful
for this experience.
As I was immersed in the Om syllable I listened to the
overtone of Om that is beyond speech. It is a comforting uplifting experience
seemingly emanating from under the skull, not heard by the physical ears.
While awake I stay in contact with the Om overtone as
much as I remember to during the day.
The experience in this lucid dream was an example that
we have extended dimensions of being, which we can enjoy by immersing in our
spiritual Holy Spirit nature.
When seeking wise advice for a situation, we can align
with the Holy Spirit by tuning in to the overtones of the Om vibration,
and write down or record on a device new thoughts and solutions that
arise in our mind.
Listening to
the pure vibration of the Holy Spirit
Present as
the subtle Om overtone
Lifts our
Into clearer,
extended, insight and knowledge.
Benefits of Listening to the
Overtones of Om © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo by S. Kramer – red, white, and blue on
a blanket of green peace, from the garden
Life and liberty have been hallmarks since the beginning, but let’s look
at respect.
Recently a country ruled that the Quran could be burned. Destroying
another’s religious writings is not respecting the liberty to choose other
beliefs than our own.
We teach each new generation to respect their elders. Why? We realize
that one way wisdom is acquired is through living, and the elders have been
around for a longer time. Their experiences are worth listening to and maybe
learning something new, useful.
Respect for property belonging to others – material, intellectual,
religious – is what we also expect for ourselves. Remember the essence of the
golden rule is to treat others as we wish to be treated.
Let’s step up our awareness that life, liberty, and respect are
benchmarks in living for all of us in the world.
Respect for each other
Because we are
Inseparable, united
One human family.
Life Liberty and Respect © 2023 Susan Kramer
Image: “Bowl of Reflections with Rumi's poetry, early 13th century; Brooklyn
Museum from Wikipedia article
Rumi’s poem, (in full below), has inspired me for years to
want to experience the secrets of that field.
Last night I decided not to wait any longer. After going to
sleep and into a lucid dream I ventured onto the field. I felt uplifted,
The air was like I remember while standing on the shoreline
at Ocean City, Maryland as a child – warm, gentle, refreshing. My astral feet
were plunged in soft sand. I felt both energized and at peace.
Since I had been reading Rumi’s poem while in my physical
body, I thought my visit would be to a physical field. That was my first
The field was a heavenly place without physical barriers,
rather like invisible wind.
I could have stayed in this uplifted place – state of being
– forever. But after timeless moments, the silver chord reeled me back in to my
physical body.
In his poem, Rumi closes with “Don’t go back to sleep.” I
think he’s telling us to experience the message of this heavenly poem while
still on earth, holding tight to its greater-than-worldly transcendent power
and reality.
Rumi’s Poem
beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other”
doesn’t make any sense.
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep.”
My Lucid Dream Experience of
Rumi’s Poem © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo credit S. Kramer: two-and-a-half foot tall replica of Madonna of Bruges statue by Michelangelo:1504
We each have our own mind whether we are embodied or
Since we and our departed ones have an eternal mind,
we can talk with them and receive their answers mentally.
We use our physical body on this physical planet, and
when we lose our physical body we still have our mind. It is our means of
communication no matter what dimension we are in – living on earth and working
through a physical body, or in spiritual realms.
Do talk with the dearly departed. Casually and in a
relaxed way have conversations.
In mind and spirit we are
ever present with each other as much as we wish to be. And isn’t that a comfort
to know we can always feel close to anyone, here or there.
Here or there
No matter where
Mind to mind
conversation or prayer forever –
An eternal
Communing with Our Dearly Departed © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo by M.
Rice: Susan and husband celebrating 75th birthdays with family.
My husband and I are celebrating 20+ years of
committed relationship, which inspires me to write these reflections on
incorporating spirituality:
Practical spirituality is living a normal life for the
highest good, and this includes relationships, in particular our living
together relationships.
If we are at first drawn together by chemistry, we can
over time, through alchemy, grow to care about and want the best for each
other. In this way our loving relationship finds its expression in first place.
Growth in the
joy of spirituality comes by acting for the greater good in each situation. We feel
uplifted, elated, and full of peace when we act for what is best in personal
relationships, and with all people.
Lovingly expressing ourselves to the best of our
ability makes our shared life most fulfilling, just as we make a house a home
by adding our own special touches.
If we are truly seeking to consciously reunite with
our Creator-Sustainer we will do what is for the best in relationships and all
aspects of living. In this way we draw closer to experiencing the fullness of
God right in the moment.
Giving our
best to life
Gives us our
best experience of life.
Committed Relationships and
Practical Spirituality © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo credit S. Schaap of Chicago skyline.
To me, good as good can be, is acting in the best way
possible. I’ve found being good a daily renewable process that allows me to
feel self-respect and personal happiness.
By being good I maintain my equilibrium and continue
to grow better in loving others unconditionally.
Being good, I can’t help but feel positive, resulting
in increased creativity, especially in thinking of ways to raise the bar on
personal growth. Each little increment of goodness builds a stronger bridge to
safely cross over rough times.
If I’m
feeling challenged, I feel better faster by choosing to act for a good result,
rather than a selfish outcome.
I can’t foresee every obstacle or exactly when I’ll
have to face a problem, but by keeping a positive attitude and practicing being
good, I have the best chance of maintaining my basic peace and well-being.
Being good gives me my clearest perspective; allowing
the highest experience of happiness.
Good as good can be
Promotes pure loving
Good As Good Can Be © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo credit S. Kramer: ceiling in Le Louvre, Paris, France.
Glorious Mother Divine
Wherever you may be
Inspire my words of love for Thee.
There’s no doubt in my mind
and heart that Blessed Mother Mary hears our thoughts, and is therefore alive,
even if unseen by earthly eyes.
And why would she not have
slipped through the physical gateways between visible earthly viewing into a
finer realm of living?
Yes, in total consciousness
rising in body, mind, soul, as water transforms into steam and rises by the
power of fire to condense again – in Blessed Mother Mary’s case, exquisitely
heated, refined into vapor by pure love.
Pure Love
Awaken my
In every way,
shine every day.
Thoughts on the Assumption © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo credit S. Kramer: Musée Rodin at left with a view of Hôtel Les Invalides in background which was built to house 4,000 wounded soldiers.
Ascension means to rise.
In the Christian tradition the Ascension of Christ is
mostly celebrated 40 days after His resurrection.
But what interpretation is most relevant to us in
modern times? Did Christ rise bodily through the clouds to sit at the right
hand of His Father?
What is important is how we practice the ascension in
our daily lives.
Choosing to dwell on and act on uplifting thoughts
puts us in a spiritual state, and isn’t that what we aspire to?
We have the choice in each moment to act for the
highest good of each situation. And what that does is make us feel good in our
mind. It brings peace to our mind.
By living a holy life in our mind, we ascend mentally,
and eventually will do so spontaneously. That is our goal. That is what will
make us happy.
Take time on the Ascension feast day to reflect on how
you can upgrade your personal choices for the higher good. Align with the
purity of spirit in communion with our dear Heavenly Father, as Christ did.
The Ascension © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo credit S. Kramer: overlooking Pacific in Santa Barbara, California
How do we explain the fluid nature of thoughts being
able to conjure up any scene or scenario in or out of the universe? Thoughts
must be made of super small atoms that are so tightly interrelated, it is as if
they have no boundaries.
It seems to me like we are part of a universe that is
interlocked and intermeshed so that the consciousness in one part becomes an
integral part of the whole.
I’ve found I have control over my physical body using
my thoughts. This makes sense because thoughts are smaller segments than
physical parts. The influence or makeup must be like at least a zillion parts
thoughts, to one part physical.
Energy and Meditation
If I think an uplifting thought I feel energized, and
if feeling physically unwell the warm feeling of being energized lifts my
physical cells back into harmony, flowing together more freely with a stronger
force than the sluggishness I feel when sick.
Other effective ways that make me feel more energetic
are warm drinks, a hot shower, soaking in hot water. What they have in common
is heat, and heat is a radiant energy. And deep meditation is an intense
ethereal heat that transports my body and mind into a state of peace.
When feeling physically well, I maintain my stamina by
walking and breathing rhythmically. Hatha yoga is another harmonizing activity
that combines movement with rhythmic breathing.
If we are inseparable parts of each interconnected
dimension, inmost thoughts to the outer physical, doesn’t it figure we are
truly interconnected as one family of humanity – here, there, everywhere?
Part of the
One of the
parts of creation
Ever and
always in charge of ourselves
Able to
instill our life with happiness
choosing radiant practices
Promoting the
Highest Good.
Thoughts, Ethereal Energy, Meditation © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo credit S. Kramer: finger position for alternate nostril breathing
Breath sustains life.
Its rhythm of receiving air and giving the body usable
energy shows the necessity of taking care of ourselves, so we can then extend
to care for family, friends, the world.
We breathe air in. We breathe air out. Is it any
wonder that we need fresh clean air to survive, thrive.
Practices to increase our intake of air include brisk
walking while swinging arms back and forth, alternate nostril breathing, and
deep breathing.
Alternate nostril breathing is a health practice where
you close off one side of your nostrils with your fingers, while breathing in,
then switch to closing off the other nostril while breathing out. Then
reversing to breathe in on the 2nd side and breathing out on the
other side. Back and forth for several rounds.
Deep breathing begins by inhaling from deep in the
lungs, and letting it slowly rise in the body, then releasing the breath in
reverse order. Its slow rhythmic process can calm the mind. For one thing, the
process distracts the mind and centers on the activity with breath.
Breathing sustains life
Its rhythmic pattern nurtures
Provides energy for our activities
And deep breathing calms the mind.
Breath Sustains Life © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo credit S. Schaap: Susan meditating at the computer
Recently, I was online at the Yogaville
website – scrolling
down to the schedule of daily activities I read about the meditation times. And
when I saw that the daily noon group meditation was held at three locations in Yogaville simultaneously, I had a most wonderful
experience: While sitting here at my computer in North Holland, (as it happened
it was noon my time), I felt immersed in the group energy, uplifted in bliss.
My physical body was still here at my computer across
the ocean from the Virginia ashram, but I had expanded in spiritual
consciousness so that my vision put me right amid the three groups meditating
I dissolved
into tears of joy at the experience of being there while I was here.
What I experienced is that when we meditate with
others we combine our awareness of spirit, helping each other advance
spiritually. And even though there was physical distance between me and the
groups at the ashram, I still felt I was part of the pack, as I like to think
of it. It was proved to me that wherever we put our consciousness, there we
are, even in multi-dimensions simultaneously.
One day the
Lord reached out to me
Come greet me
within –
I’ll be there
with thee.
Uplifted in a Vision of
Group Meditation © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo credit S. Schaap: Katje on rail in our garden
Yesterday, during my afternoon nap my dear cat, Katje,
who passed on May 7, 2016, paid me a “physical” visit.
Here’s the story: In my dream I opened my front door
and saw Katje sitting there just outside looking up at me. I reached down
through the open door, picked her up, and cuddled her to my chest and the side
of my face. I could feel her warmth and soft fir in my arms and against my
This was such a wonderful experience because I had
been strongly wishing to hold her again. She was my constant and cozy companion
from 2006 till 2016. She slept on my lap during my afternoon naps and at night
slept alongside my legs between hubby and me.
Katje was a
talking cat: she learned and said words to get what she wanted: "out"
for us to open the human door for her, even though she had a cat door;
"milk" for milk or yogurt (strawberry was her fav); "beef"
for any kind of food when she was very hungry.
Upon reflection I observed
that there can be bleed-throughs between seen and unseen dimensions, even
physical life and death.
In this instance, my deep
longing to hold Katje broke us through the veils of dimensions holding us
The world holds possibilities
We might think impossible.
My Beloved Pet Visited Me
from Beyond the Pale © 2023 Susan Kramer
Digital drawing of cherry blossoms by S. Kramer
From The Lord’s Prayer: “Forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us.”
Notice, the prayer has us ask forgiveness for our sins
before we judge and forgive others.
To preserve your peace of mind, go a step further and
do not tell others about someone who has trespassed against you. The reason
being that none of us can cast the first stone, or any stone against another
because none of us is perfect.
Even if we hide our faults from others’ view, the
faults are not hidden from our Creator’s view.
And where does our peace come from? Not from stating
out loud others’ faults, but by quietly forgiving as we would wish to be
quietly forgiven.
Again: “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those
who trespass against us.” For example, do not say to another: “I forgive my
spouse for eating the last slice of my birthday cake.” Remember that no one is
Ask the Lord
to forgive your sins.
In turn
forgive others’ sins.
But do not
tell others about sins that are not your own.
This also
goes back to the old adage:
If you can’t
say something nice, say nothing at all.
Forgiveness Works Both Ways © 2023 Susan Kramer
Approaching the summit of Mt. Shasta at
12,000 feet. Photo from family archive.
I find meditation a rejuvenating "conscious
sleep," because I end up with more energy than I began.
By looking at the inner light in meditation, the outer
light looks brighter, in the sense that I feel enlightened with a solution to
what's going on.
Sometimes I get exhausted from mentally trying to
solve too many situations at the same time.
Meditation gives me a room in my mind to go where I
can think over one thing at a time and decide on the best course for me.
If my mental state is overwhelmed, a couple of
meditations a day help me sort out what's going on.
Meditation need not be just sitting, it can be walking,
swimming, jogging, or any rhythmic activity when you are by yourself.
Practicing meditation can be a big help to get us more
smoothly through life.
Meditation time
Brings solutions to mind.
Practicing Meditation for
Problem Solving © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo credit: S. Schaap. Susan sitting quietly next to the Magothy River across from Camp Whippoorwill
This is to answer questions
about where my writings originate.
When I want an answer to
either a practical problem, or esoteric information, I first sit quietly. We
can all do this because our mind seems to be composed of layers of
consciousness and information resides near the surface, or in ever deeper and
deeper levels.
Starting with practical
problems, the solution might be very close to the surface of our mind. For
example, figuring out a daily time schedule to get the most done, or to meet
obligations. No need for a lot of time so we don’t need to dive deeply into meditation.
When we want to explore the
esoteric, we can go into the expansive place in our mind found in deep meditation.
This may feel like sitting alone in a huge auditorium. By sitting quietly,
thoughts of a broader nature than we are aware of in daily life start coming to
mind. By following the path where these thoughts lead, without judgement, we
uncover little by little some new to us information.
Then we need to record the
information, possibly by writing it down for further consideration.
These are the techniques I
use for 1. working out practical solutions, and 2. becoming aware of the depths
behind and supporting life in general.
I’m dedicated to sharing
what I feel could be useful information to others besides myself, hence my
published writings. I feel very fortunate that technology has advanced so far
in my lifetime to be able to share with others so rapidly and easily.
quietly solving the practical
Or falling
into awareness
depths of meditation.
Where My Writings Originate © 2023 Susan Kramer
Triplets hanging out …
Brothers and sisters are
with us a lifetime, either ours or theirs.
We’re given our siblings for
the lessons each of us need to learn this time around in the grand plan.
No brother or sister? Then
the next in line appears, whether cousins or close friends. We are not alone.
We aid and abet each other through our journey becoming fuller, better, wiser
human beings.
It’s not always easy to be
there for a sibling or lifelong friend, but interrelating is worth the effort
because we are enriching each other. At times we take turns leaning on each
other. That’s all part of the layout as humans.
Some of the interactions I
can think of, to give and take from my sibling and extended sibling
relationships are: 1. being a listening ear; 2. being compassionate; 3. giving
help in its many forms; 4. being a rock of support along the journey; 5.
standing up for each other at times; 6. being thankful for the reflections of
another close human being.
Brothers and
sisters fill in the blanks
Uplift our
human journey
gifts in our life.
Brothers and Sisters © 2023 Susan Kramer
Photo from family archive of siblings: Grandmother Susan Ann Powell, Great-Uncle Henry Powell, and Great-Aunt May Powell Jenkins at Fair Oaks on the Magothy circa 1950.
I was looking out the
window at trees blowing in a heavy storm, when suddenly I had a vision of my
physical body falling forward, separating from me, like a dead tree crashing to
the ground.
I watched from behind the
tree and did not fall with it. I observed the action; I did not lose
The tree was bare like a
telephone pole, though I knew it was my physical body falling away from me.
Again, I observed my
physical body separating from me, and I did not lose consciousness.
This experience was a
comforting gift. I feel that at my real physical death, I will see my body fall
away from me while I remain awake and aware, with no break in consciousness.
Though our
outer form changes from time to time
We remain
awake and aware forever.
A Preview of My Body Falling
Away © 2023 Susan Kramer
Infinitely Connected © 2024 Susan Kramer
“Born of Water and the
Spirit” © 2024 Susan Kramer
Magic Mirror © 2024 Susan Kramer
Vanity © 2024 Susan Kramer
Let Your Light Shine © 2024 Susan Kramer
Molecules in Action © 2024
Susan Kramer
By Susan Kramer
I’ll start with my experience and work back to the
I was lying face down in bed in the early morning,
barely awake, eyes still
closed with one quick peek at the digital clock
showing 7:15. I was hardly
aware of my body, yet. Then I began thinking about how
much I love life,
and my partner. My body responded to my thoughts by
becoming energized.
If my thoughts can cause physical reactions in my
body, that may be how
mental prayers cause physical healing. After all, we
are all interwoven
threads in the warp and woof of humanity affecting
each other.
Let’s remember that
By directed intention
Our thoughts can affect change
In the physical world.
Intentional Thoughts Can
Direct Change in the Physical World, Photo from Leaves of Finlandie
Collection © 2024 Susan Kramer
By Susan Kramer
Casting Stones © 2024 Susan Kramer
By Susan Kramer
The Helping Hand of
Meditation © 2024 Susan Kramer
Books, Ebooks,
and International
English, Dutch, French,
German, Spanish
Meditation and Spirituality for Teens and Young Adults – Moving Into the Future by
Susan Kramer
This workbook is to read and practice on your
own, a primer with 24 chapters to learn how to meditate in a variety of ways,
and explore your spiritual nature, including a story for everyone about
bullying. Two lined pages are included after each chapter. 98 pages. 9,400 words. Copyright © 2023 Susan Kramer. Table of Contents.
98 pages; 8.5 by 11 inch with color interior Publishing
Copyright © 2023 Susan Kramer
Language: English
Rhythms, Music, Dances with Percussion Instruments for Ages 4-6 by Susan Kramer
How to teach students ages
4 to 6 in the year before kindergarten, and kindergarten, with varying
abilities or special needs rhythms, floor exercises / axial movements, large
motor skills, expressive dance, kinesthetic mini-lessons, and full dances using
percussion instruments as music. Pictures of 9 percussion instruments are
described. Basic Lesson Plan included. Perfect for Pre-Kindergarten, TK, Junior
K, and K teachers, home schoolers, and dance instructors, 7,617 words. 100
pages. Many illustrations. Both editions priced low. Info page.
Published by |
| webmaster | page updated April
19, 2024; July 23, 2024