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Stress and Anger Release Techniques for Kids by Susan Kramer


1. Aerobic Activities for Stress Relief in School
2. Benefits of Practicing Quiet Time
3. Benefits of Yoga with Learning Disabilities
4. Benefits of Yoga with Mixed Ages and Abilities
5. Biking for Stress Relief
6. Conquering Stress and Anger with Meditation Ebook
7. Walking Off Angry Feelings
8. Instant Anger Release Method - Very Useful
9. Instant Stress Release Technique
10. Intermediate Quiet Time Session to Reduce Stress
11. Jogging as Stress Relief for Kids
12. Kids and Teens Moving for Stress Relief
13. Kids Learn to Replace a Stubborn Attitude
14. Kids Managing Anger with Good Habits
15. Meditation for ADHD and all Kids
16. Relaxation Response Exercises in the LD Classroom
17. Stress Relief Lesson for Preschoolers
18. Taking a Walk for Stress Reduction in School
19. Walking Away Stress with a Guided Meditation
20. Water Play and Swimming for Stress Reduction
21. When Anger in Kids Can Be Useful

10. Intermediate Quiet Time Session to Reduce Stress

Learning some basics of stress relief helps kids of all ages and abilities.

Here is a session of quiet time that will help out your intermediate students that have some previous experience with stress relief.

To begin the session:

Sit up straight on a towel or blanket on the grass or beach if outdoors, or on a thick rug if indoors. Cross your legs in and fold your hands in your lap, or place your hands palms down or palms up on your thighs.

Close your eyes and begin breathing like this: on counts 1, 2 breathe in; on counts 3, 4 breathe out; on counts 1, 2 breathe in; on counts 3, 4 breathe out, and continue this rhythmic pattern during your session.

Keep up the rhythm of breathing for the rest of the session, but don't actually say the number; it will become natural after a minute or two.

Now, think for some moments with appreciation and gratefulness about at least one good thing in your life. It could be a family member, good friend, teacher, relative, neighbor; someone who has been there for you.

When we keep an appreciation in mind we look at more stressful situations in a positive way. Our mind relaxes when we are positive, energy flows through, fresh ideas come to mind and stress melts away more easily.

Make a resolve to give yourself a quiet session when you need it. If you feel stressed every day, plan on a regular routine of exercise to combat pent up stressful feelings, such as aerobics, swimming, jogging, tennis, fast walking, running.

Finish your session by taking in a deep breath, slowly releasing it, stretching out and going on with your day. If a plan of action has come to mind, take time to write it out in your journal so you don't forget it and can refer back later.

Article by Susan Kramer

Ebooks and books related to the articles:

Click on cover image to read about
Meditation for all Kids
Meditation for all Kids by Susan Kramer
Click on cover image to read about
Conquering Stress and Anger
with Meditation Ebook
Conquering Stress and Anger with Meditation by Susan Kramer
Click on cover image to read about
Yoga for all Kids
Yoga for all Kids, Preschoolers to Teens by Susan Kramer

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