Sitemap: Autobiography |
Ballet | Books | Dolls & Costumes
| Gardens | Kinesthetic Lessons
| Meditation and Prayer
| Musical
Movement Lessons | Rhythmic
Dance | Spirituality
| Stan Schaap | True Stories | Yoga |
doll making - paperdolls - media - educational books
- books for kids - inspirational for teens,
and Summaries of Educational Books
for Kids,
Teens, Adults
Helene Kramer
35 Learning Tools for Practicing Reading and Writing Strategies
2. Adaptive Dance and Rhythms for all Ages by Susan Kramer
3. Alphabet Puppets by Jill M. Coudron
4. Best Things Parents Do by Susan Isaacs Kohl
5. Classical Ballet Beginning to Advanced
by Susan Kramer
6. Educational Autism Tips for Families by Bonnie Sayers
7. Free to Move, Learning Kinesthetically by Susan Kramer
8. Fundamentele bewegingen
voor kinderen met dansjes, meditaties en yoga door Susan Kramer (Dutch language)
9. Kinesthetic Math and Language Lessons by Susan Kramer
10. Meditation for All Kids by Susan Kramer
11. Reading by the Colors by Helen Irlen
12. Rhythms and Dances for School Age Kids by Susan Kramer
13. Rhythms and Dances for Toddlers and Preschoolers by Susan Kramer
14. Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell
15. Women From Another Planet? by Jean Kearns Miller, Editor
16. Yoga for All Kids, Preschoolers to Teens by Susan Kramer
1. Thirty Five (35) Learning
Tools for Practicing Reading and Writing Strategies |
This book caught my eye immediately! 35 Learning Tools for Practicing
Reading and Writing Strategies by Cathy Cerveny and Melissa Lacotti is presented in 2 parts - the first on reading and
the second on writing skills.
For a student striving to master reading there is probably something in this
text that will help, as it covers building vocabulary, story elements,
comprehension and related strategies.
And to improve writing skills, strategies are presented to inform, persuade and
express personal ideas - and even revising, proofreading and publishing.
I also like the large workbook layout of the text, because it is easy to read
with type suited to the younger reader as well as the adult.
I highly recommend this text for all those working to bring out the best in
students of all abilities! Afterall, we want all kids to succeed in language
skills above all - as even math is dependent on being able to read the
Details: 80 page paperback published by Teaching Resources. 10 and a
half by eight and a half inches. ISBN 0439207614.
Here is a link to if you wish to order:
Learning Tools for Practicing Reading and Writing Strategies
Adaptive Dance and Rhythms for all Ages with Basic Lesson Plan, you'll
find fun and practical adaptive techniques to teach basic dance movements,
floor exercises, clapping rhythms, and expressive dance, either in separate 5
minute segments, or part of the 40 minute lesson plan. Geared for kids and
adults with disabilities. Fully illustrated. 76 pages.
Review by GEM
I. Basic Lesson Plan
Providing Space
Length of Segments
1. Floor Exercises
2. Clapping Rhythms
3. Dance Movements
4. Resting
5. Learning a New Dance Movement
6. Expressive Movements
7. Clapping Syllables of Words and Rhythms of Songs
8. Energizing
II. General Notes
Adaptive Guidelines
III. Clapping to Rhythms and Songs
Adaptive Guidelines
Notes to Teachers
Time Signatures: 4/4; 2/2; 2/4; 3/4/; 6/8
IV. Floor Exercises
Adaptive Guidelines
1. The Rocker
2. The Squirrel
3. The Owl
4. The Starfish
5. The Resting Snake
6. The Cat Stretch
V. Dance Movements
Adaptive Guidelines
Key for Clapping
1. The Swing
2. Running
3. Marching
4. Galloping
5. Sliding
6. Jumping
7. Skipping
8. Waltzing
VI. Expressive Movements
Adaptive Considerations
VII. A Closing Story
VIII. Piano Music Book Reviews
VIX. Appendix of Words to 21 Songs
ISBN: 978-90-78099-06-2
This teaching text was created from my work as a dance specialist with children
to seniors and those challenged since 1965. It is part of The Gateway to
Educational Materials of the United States Department of Education, in the
Rhythmic Movement Dance Series, as Adaptive Rhythmic Movement by Susan
Music and rhythms provide inspiration for structured and expressive movement.
The clapping, floor exercises, and moving across the floor exercises in this
text develop coordination of body-mind through right-left brain development.
This theory of receiving input through the bodily senses, body to mind and then
mind to body for action, powered by spirited, enthusiastic energy is a basis of
somatic education.
All levels of mobility will find something useful. Practical hints are given
for those confined to bed or wheelchairs or with limited range of motion. I
like to call the participants ‘dancers’.
Music and rhythmic clapping or rhythm instruments provide the inspiration. For
example: Those with impaired hearing can feel the vibrations of music in
their hands by touching a piano being played or a sound speaker for a radio,
tapes, cds, and some musical instruments; even
through their feet on a floor that is vibrating from an instrument being played
in the room.
To buy
Alphabet Puppets - Songs, Stories and Cooking Activities for Letter
Recognition and Sounds by Jill M. Coudron is a 122 page paperback geared
for use by parents or teachers with children ages 4 to 8.
Teaching the alphabet letters is presented by easy to make puppets who give
practical examples through prose and song, and by making or cooking things
beginning with an alphabet letter.
I think this is also a great book to inspire your own creative ideas, as you
can take what’s on your dinner menu and make it into a lesson for an alphabet
You can go to the park, see a duck, come home and make a "d" puppet
for duck with the visual memory still fresh from the park.
Or, you can make a certain letter puppet, go for a walk, and then find
something that begins with that letter. On and on.
Details - 122 pages published by Fearon Teacher AIDS; ISBN: 082240298X
This book can be ordered from at
Puppets by Jill M. Coudron
Also by Jill M. Coudron
1. Alphabet
Stories (Makemaster Blackline Masters)
2. Alphabet
Fun and Games - Activities and Game Sheets for Teaching the Alphabet
3. Alphabet
Activities, Original Ideas and Worksheets for Teaching the Alphabet
This is a great book for reinforcing everything positive we do as parents.
There is no room in these 10 chapters arranged in 4 parts to dwell on the
negatives of life.
Parts I - IV are titled:
- The Best Attitudes Parents Hold
- The Best Things Parent Do
- The Best Things Parents Do For Themselves
- The Best Things Parents Do For Each Other
I like the format of each chapter, which begins with a story that demonstrates
the lessons or points to be made. And at the end of each chapter a little to-do
project gives the reader something to think about - making this an interactive
and teaching text, in my point of view.
For example, one of my favorite chapters - Focus on Feelings -
has a lesson called "Nurture Joy" that ends with this little
"Recall what adults told you about joy as a child. Was it portrayed as a
feeling you had to contain? Imagine a time you felt happy as a child. How did
express joy? How do you experience it now? How do you react when your child
feels elated?"
At the back of the book after all the wonderful encouragement in the chapters
there are 2 comprehensive suggested reading lists under the headings Doing
the Best for Your Child and Doing the Best for Yourself.
I've just given you an overview of The Best Things Parents Do,
but it is really chockfull of hints that guide toward bringing out the best
qualities and strengths in each individual child.
A must-read! Highly recommended!
Details - 165 page Paperback; Conari Press
(March 2004); 8.5 by 5.5 inches; ISBN: 1573249025
Available from
Best Things Parents Do - Ideas & Insights from Real-World Parents by Susan
Isaacs Kohl
ballet in preballet, beginning, intermediate and
advanced levels with hundreds of combinations in 100 pages, including a
separate section of pointe work. Basics through advanced adagio and allegro for
The preballet syllabus for 6 to 7
year olds emphasizes rhythms and large motor skill development.
The pointe work syllabus begins for students having at least 3 years of
classical ballet instruction and at least 11 years old.
The advanced level is also a resource for mature male and female ballet dancers
to use for daily class or warm-up before performance.
Hundreds of classical ballet combinations are included, compiled from my
training, performing and teaching experience as a 2nd generation Cecchetti
(1850-1928) disciple.
This text is in the "Rhythmic Movement Dance Series" and part of the
Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM) of the United States Department of
Review by GEM
Performance Points
Ballet's Lessons beyond the Stage
Notes to Text
Numbers of Stage Corners and Walls
Part I - Preballet
Preballet Syllabus Introduction
Preballet - Barre Work
Preballet - Center Practice
Rhythmic Movements
Part II - Beginning Ballet
Beginning Syllabus Introduction
Beginning - Barre Work
Beginning Adagio - Center Practice
Beginning Allegro - Center Practice
Part III - Intermediate Ballet
Intermediate Syllabus Introduction
Intermediate - Barre Work
Intermediate Adagio - Center Practice
Intermediate Allegro - Center Practice
Part IV - Advanced Ballet
Advanced Syllabus Introduction
Advanced - Barre Work
Advanced Adagio - Center Practice
Advanced Allegro - Center Practice
Part V - Pointe
Pointe Syllabus Introduction
Pointe Barre Work - for Intermediate and Advanced Students
Pointe Center Practice - for Advanced Students
Appendix of Resources
100 pages
To Buy
6. Educational Autism
Tips for Families by Bonnie Sayers - ebook |
I was so happy when I first read Bonnie Sayer's 71 page ebook,
"Educational Autism Tips for Families," as I found it to be totally
useful in understanding what parents could go through facing the school system
with a child on the autism spectrum.
And, I imagine kids with other learning disabilities and their parents would
face similar challenges, making this a book for all parents whose kids have
learning issues.
Going through the process and writing about it from first
hand experience, in my opinion, makes all the difference in whether a
book will be really useful to a family in similar circumstances.
Bonnie Sayers has just the qualifications needed to write a handbook helpful
for maneuvering through the school system. As she tells us in the text,
she has two sons on opposite ends of the autism spectrum.
Daily, she sees what is needed for mild help to severe help dealing with the
issues that arise in her boys' education and schooling needs. In fact, not just
schooling, but paying close attention to all daily living situations.
Because, unless children are successfully coping the whole day, they cannot be
prepared for the stresses school time brings their way.
"Educational Autism Tips for Families" is divided into four
main sections that take you through the school day and the school year. It is a
comprehensive guide for what your child may face in school while separated from
It explores what issues a parent should consider; what signs to look for to
assure your child is getting the proper treatment, from the time he or she
leaves your care until you see him or her again in the afternoon. And there are
numerous links to resources to check in further detail for your specific needs.
Bonnie Sayers is not afraid to share with us the nitty gritty details she has
coped with as a parent in relating with administrators, teachers, aides,
therapists and more. I, for one, appreciate the depth of investigation she
pursues on the subject of the education of her special boys.
All parents struggling in some way to get their child's daily needs met will
gain by reading "Educational Autism Tips for Families."
Highest recommendation!
Link to read more and buy:
Educational Autism Tips
for Families by Bonnie Sayers
How to teach elementary students
kinesthetically, in a fully illustrated text, outlining body placement,
rhythms, large motor skills, dynamics, creative movement, beginning
mini-lessons, and a 40-minute lesson plan divided into 5 minute segments. Also
for special needs students.
Master text for teachers on how to use a
kinesthetic approach with academics. Included in the Rhythmic Movement Dance
Series of The Gateway to Educational Materials of the United States Department
of Education GEM.
by GEM
Part I Anatomy as Applied to Teaching Movement
1. Body Placement, 2. Foot, 3. Legs, 4. Knock Knees, 5. Bow
6. Spine, 7. Poor Posture, 8. The Spine and Jumps, 9. Muscle Groups
Part II Rhythms
1. Theory, 2. Clapping in Meter, 3. Listening and Clapping
4. Clapping Syllables, 5. Rhythmic Accompaniments
Part III Dynamics of Energy; Creative Movement
1. Theory
2. Gradations of Movement
Rebound; Suspension; Sustained Movement; Overtones; Expending Energy
3. Elements of Motion
Axial; Levels; Directions; Dynamics
4. Body-Mind; Mind-Body Interaction
Part IV 16 Basic Rhythmic Movements
1. Theory
2. List
3. Descriptions
(1) Walks, (2) Runs, (3) Marching, (4) Gallops, (5) Slides, (6) Hops,
(7) Jumps, (8) Leaps, (9) Pedaling, (10) Prancing, (11) Toe Pointing,
(12) Skips, (13) Waltz, (14) Minuet, (15) Schottische, (16) Polka
Part V Floor Exercises
1. Descriptions
(1) The Leaf, (2) The Flower, (3) The Cricket, (4) The Bird,
(5) The Squirrel, (6) The Chipmunk, (7) The Rocker, (8) The Seal,
(9) Back Exercise, (10) The Turtle, (11) Cat Stretch,
(12) The Starfish, (13) The Owl, (14) Swinging
Part VI Mini-Lessons for learning academic concepts
1. Practice with Letter Shapes
Straight Line, Curve, Circle
2. Language
Words, Sentence
Syllables: Clapping Accents for Native and
Foreign Language Learning
Punctuation Exercises: Comma and
Period; Exclamation Point;
Question Mark; Colon; Semicolon
Diagramming Sentences
2.A. Fingerspelling; One-Hand Alphabet
Reasons for Learning the One-Hand Alphabet
Using the one-hand alphabet to re-teach
or strengthen coordination in a weak hand
for people of all ages
The Letter Shapes
Resources on the Internet
2.B. Spelling
Using 'scrabble' game pieces or wooden alphabet blocks
3. Visual Directional Exercise; Non-verbal 'Which Way Game'
4. Counting
5. Basic Math
Sets, Addition, Subtraction,
Wholes, Halves, Quarters
5.A. More Addition
6. ABA Sequencing
7. Directions of Movement
Forward, Backward, Sideward;
Clockwise, Counter-clockwise;
Right and Left Side of Body
8. Geometric Shapes
9. Telling Time
10. Moving Left to Right as in Writing; Reading
Part VII Basic Lesson Plan
1. Theory
A Full Lesson or a 'Sponge' Activity?
Providing Space; Protocols/Benefits
2. Basic Lesson Plan
1 - Floor Exercises, 2 - Clapping Rhythms,3 - Rhythmic Movements, 4 - Resting
5 - Technique or Mini-Lesson, 6 - Creativity and Dynamics,
7 - The Melody and Rhythm of Music, 8 - Expanding
3. Special Circumstances
Buy link:
8. Fundamentele
bewegingen voor kinderen met dansjes, meditaties en yoga door
Susan Kramer (Dutch language) |
Fundamentele bewegingen
voor kinderen met dansjes, meditaties en yoga door Susan Kramer - 16 Ritmische,
basale, motorische vaardigheden, 9 dansjes, 9 meditaties voor ontspanning en 15 zacht bewegende yoga houdingen voor kinderen van alle leeftijden en bekwaamheden. Plaatsing: 477.8 Bewegingsonderwijs;
Basisonderwijs; Didactiek. Volledig geïllustreerd, 108 pagina's. Nederlands taal.
Deel 1- Ritmische basale
motorische vaardigheden
Sleutel voor het klappen van ritmes
Een opmerking over de illustraties
1. Lopen
2. Rennen
3. Marcheren
4. Galopperen
5. Glijden
6. Hinkelen
7. Opspringen
8. Ver springen
9. Fietsen
10. Dansen als een paard
11. Wijzen met de teen
12. Huppelen
13. Walsen
14. Menuet dansen
15. Schotse polka dansen
16. Polka dansen
Om te oefenen - 9 Dansjes
Deel 2 - Meditaties
Onmiddellijke ontspanning
Deel 3 - Korte meditatie verhalen
Anneke en Hans leren
een zitmeditatie aan het strand
een loopmeditatie langs de vaart
een dansmeditatie in het
een ontspanningsmeditatie
in de wei
een les over instant meditatie
Deel 4 - Zacht bewegende
yoga houdingen
1. Het blad
2. De bloem
3. De krekel
4. De uil
5. De vogel
6. De eekhoorn
7. De hamster
8. De schommelstoel
9. De zeehond
10. De groet
11. De slang
12. De schildpad
13. De zeester
14. De kattenrug
15. De schommel
ISBN: 978-90-78099-01-7
Paperback boek koop hier via internet:
find 33 beginning and advanced kinesthetic lessons in 78 pages for grades K-6.
Large photos of the one-hand alphabet being demonstrated are included. Lessons
can be adapted for special needs children by using a partner or assistant. The
lessons use more than one bodily sense, helping each concept to really stick
with the student. ISBN: 978-9080991279
Perfect for the classroom teacher or homeschooling parents!
A great resource for all your learners - visual, auditory
and kinesthetic.
Beginning Kinesthetic Lessons for Ages 5 to 8
Lesson Number
1. Practice with Letter Shapes
2. Outlining Alphabet Letters in the Air
3. Language - Words and Sentences
4. One Syllable Words - Spelling and Singing
5. Double Letters - Spelling and Singing
6. Syllables - Spelling and Singing
7. Names - Spelling and Singing
8. Syllables
9. Punctuation Exercises
10. Finger Spelling; One-hand Alphabet including large photos of each letter
11. Moving Left to Right as in Reading and Writing
12. Spelling Using Game Pieces or Alphabet Blocks
13. Learning to Print "b" and "d"
14. Visual Directional Exercise (nonlinguistic)
15. Counting
16. Basic Math - Sets
17. Addition
18. ABA Sequencing
19. More Advanced ABA Sequencing
20. Directions of Movement
21. Geometric Shapes
22. Outlining Geometric Shapes in the Air
23. Learning to Tell Time
Advanced Kinesthetic Lessons for Age 9 and older
24. Subject and Predicate in Sentence
25. Indirect and Direct Objects Lesson
26. Meter and Verse
27. Making Geometric Shapes
28. ABA Sequencing - Waltz Combination
29. ABA Sequencing - Schottische Combination
30. ABCD Sequencing
31. Multiplication
32. Division
33. Division with Remainder
About the author Susan Kramer has been teaching academics
kinesthetically as a dance specialist since 1965.
This text is in the "Rhythmic Movement Dance Series" and part of the
Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM) of the United States Department of
Buy link:
How to teach through description and illustration: sitting, walking, dance,
relaxation, instant, music, running, swinging, biking and swimming meditations,
plus a chapter of guided meditations on virtues, and a chapter of affirmations,
inspirations and prayers. For tots to teens of all abilities. Useful resource
for parents, educators, and interfaith clergy. 100 pages.
Included in text
Chapter I. About Meditation for All Kids
Meditation and Spiritual Living
Meditation and Meditative Movement
Benefits of Meditation
Chapter II. How to Teach Kids Meditation
How to Teach Sitting Meditation
How to Teach Walking Meditation
How to Teach Relaxation Meditation
How to Teach Music Meditation
Chapter III. Basic Meditations for Kids
Sitting Meditation
Walking Meditation
Relaxation Meditation
Instant Meditation
Running Meditation
Swinging Meditation
Biking Meditation
Swimming Meditation
Chapter IV. Guided Meditations on Virtues
Guided Meditation on Friendliness
Guided Meditation on Being Compassionate
Guided Meditation on Being Honest
Guided Meditation about Being Kind
Guided Meditation about Sharing
Chapter V. Group Circle Meditation
Part I. Opening Verse
Part II. Short Meditation
Part III. Song
Chapter VI. Dance Meditation
Part I. Stretching
Part II. Dancing and Elements of Movement
Part III. Quiet Time Meditation
Chapter VII. Affirmations, Inspirations, Prayers
Special and Holiday Prayers
100 pages.
About the author: Susan Kramer has been teaching dance, yoga and
meditation to kids of all ages and abilities for more than 30 years.
Buy link:
The practical application of Helen Irlen's method worked for my family member,
so with first hand experience I can recommend taking
a close look at the theories purported in her book.
Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (SSS) or Irlen Syndrome seems to be a visual
perception problem in that certain frequencies of light do not pass through the
optic nerve smoothly, becoming distorted before reaching the brain.
Some of the symptoms of SSS include: sensitivity to light or glossy paper;
strain or fatigue while reading; reading slowly; poor depth perception such as
having trouble catching a ball.
The good news is that through testing, certain colors of lenses in eye glasses
or laying sheets of different colored plastic over reading material may
alleviate the symptoms.
Details - publisher of this 208 page paperback is Perigee Books and the
ISBN is 0399527362
Link to buy from
by the Colors: Overcoming Dyslexia and Other Reading Disabilities Through the
Irlen Method" by Helen Irlen
In 100 pages for grades K-12, 16 rhythmic dance steps illustrated and
described, plus 9 little dances, 18 sequencing combinations, and 4 more
advanced group dances - for kinesthetically learning about math sets,
sequencing, and language phrasing and rhythms. Dances can be adapted using a
partner or assistant for special needs students.
Review by GEM
Topics covered:
Key for Clapping Rhythms
Part I - 16 Rhythmic Dance Steps with Clapping
1) Walking
2) Running
3) Marching
4) Galloping
5) Sliding
6) Hopping
7) Jumping
8) Leaping
9) Pedaling
10) Prancing
11) Toe Pointing
12) Skipping
13) Waltzing
14) Minuet
15) Schottische
16) Polka
Part II - 9 Little Dances
1) Sliding Dance
2) Marching Dance
3) Skipping Dance
4) Galloping Dance
5) Waltzing Dance
6) Polka Dance
7) Schottische Dance
8) Minuet Dance
9) Waltz and Polka Dance
Part III - 18 ABA and Other Sequencing Combinations
1) March & Slide AB
2) Jump & Hop AB
3) March & Skip AB
4) Run & Gallop AB
5) Waltz & Prance AB
6) Polka & Skip AB
7) Schottische & Leap AB
8) Minuet & Skip AB
9) Waltz, Skip, & Waltz ABA
10) March, Skip, & March ABA
11) Gallop, Slide, & March ABC
12) Polka, Slide, & Prance ABC
13) Waltz, Slide, & Skip; AB, AC
14) Skip, March, & Slide; AB, AC,
15) Polka, Skip, & Waltz; AB, AC
16) Schottische, Skip, & Polka; ABC, AB
17) Minuet, Waltz, & Skip; AB, AC
18) Gallop, March, & Run; AB, AC
Part IV - 4 Large Dances
Numbers of Corners and Walls on a Stage
1) Marching and Galloping Geometric Shape Dance; A,B,C,D Sequence
2) Skipping and Sliding Circle Dance; A,B,C,D, Sequence
3) Waltz and Polka Circle Dance; A,B,C,D, Sequence
4) Minuet, Gallop and Slide Geometric Shape Dance; A,B,C,D,E,F Sequence
To Buy:
13. Rhythms and Dances
for Toddlers and Preschoolers by Susan Kramer |
using the "Basic Lesson Plan" or not, teach toddlers and preschoolers
rhythms, floor exercises, large motor skills, expressive dance, more than 10
kinesthetic mini-lessons, and full dances in 98 pages with photos and
You'll find something to benefit most kids of varying abilities and special
needs in these pages. A fun way to build essential early skills before
Perfect for parents homeschooling, dance teachers, or early childhood education
Review by GEM
I. Basic Lesson Plan
II. Clapping Rhythms
1. Clapping in 4/4 time
2. Clapping in 2/2 time
3. Clapping in 2/4 time
4. Clapping syllables
III. Floor Exercises
1. The Rocker
2. The Squirrel
3. The Owl
4. The Starfish
IV. Rhythmic Movements
1. Walking
2. Running
3. Galloping
4. Marching
5. Balancing
6. Hopping
7. Swinging
8. Sliding
V. Expressive Dance
Nursery Rhymes for Expressive Dance:
Hickory, Dickory, Dock; Humpty Dumpty; Jack and Jill
London Bridge Is Falling Down; Pop Goes the Weasel
Rain, Rain Go Away; Rock-a-Bye Baby
See-Saw Margery Daw
VI. Mini-Lessons
1. Climbing Stairs Alternating Feet
2. Which Way Game
3. ABA Sequencing
4. Circle Dance for Making Shapes
5. Making a Straight Line Game
6. Curving and Zigzag Lines
7. Practice Making Horizontal Lines
8. Stretching in Vertical Lines
9. Diagonal Line Shapes
10. Shaping Outlines
11. Right Side and Left Side Cargo Train Game
12. Clockwise and Counterclockwise Circles
13. Moving Forward and Backward Game
VII. Large Dances with Songs
1. Jingle Bells: running steps 2/2 time
2. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep: galloping 2/4 time
3. Bobby Shaftoe: sliding 2/4 time
4. Mary Had a Little Lamb: galloping 2/4 time
5. Allouette: walking or marching 4/4 time
6. Frere Jacques: marching and sliding 4/4 time
7. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star: galloping 2/4 time
To Buy:
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell, winner of the Newbery Medal
in 1961 joins our recommended list of books, because of the example of
resourcefulness the young girl, Karana, shows in surviving alone.
Stranded by herself on an island off the coast of California for 18 years,
Karana relies on her inner strength, courage and skills to cope and grow.
The author shares what island flora and fauna could be like and this reader was
immersed in the pictures of the environment seeing the daily struggles and
challenges right along with Karana.
Scott O'Dell, (1898-1989), was a prolific 20th century author. Island of the
Blue Dolphins was written for children, but he also wrote fiction and
nonfiction for adults. Growing up in Southern California he enjoyed the ocean
and being outdoors.
Coming back to modern times and the elementary school classroom for a moment, a
student faced with academic challenges has an opportunity through reading
Karana's story of coping and thriving, to see that there is more than one way
to learn and grow in life. The story gives hope.
It is a particularly appropriately book to read aloud to kids, with the rich
description of images.
I feel that when one door is closed there is probably another that is opening
that makes use of different learning skills, and Island of the Blue Dolphins
is a great example.
Details - for upper elementary reading level in 192 pages; published by
Yearling; ISBN: 0440439884.
To order from go to
of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell
15. Women From Another Planet? by
Jean Kearns Miller, Editor |
'Our Lives in the Universe of Autism' this 263 page book is a collection of
more than 50 separate experiences from women on the autism spectrum, told in
narrative and poetry.
With a 5-star rating, the highest at, this is an invaluable resource
for those faced with autism or Asperger's in their own or a family member's
By hearing these adult women share their experiences, we see that autistic
children face a lifetime of learning how to live in society, and more
importantly, how to find a means of expressing their true selves - from the
practical to the spiritual.
I also found the Glossary of terms used on the spectrum an invaluable resource
for understanding the terminology used in describing symptoms of Asperger's and
autism. For example, it clarified for me what the little word stim is -
shorthand for self-stimulation.
Reading "Women From Another Planet?" has given me a clearer view of
what a woman on the autistic spectrum experiences as an adult in the roles of
wife, mother, single woman, and in the workplace.
The editor, Jean Kearns Miller, did not find out she was on the autism spectrum
until 4 years after her son was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. Ms. Miller,
in putting together the stories in this book is writing from firsthand
experience and who better to let us know the day to day reality of living on
the austism spectrum.
I recommend it as a worthy addition to understanding the daily challenges this
learning disability presents at any age.
Details - Paperback; Published by Authorhouse
(August 2003); ISBN: 1410734315
Here is a link to if you wish to order this book:
From Another Planet? by Jean Kearns Miller
16. Yoga for All Kids,
Preschoolers to Teens by Susan Kramer |
Traditional yoga poses and meditation techniques have been adapted to help
foster motor skill development, coordination, concentration, and stress relief
for children, teens and adults of varying abilities or special needs.
The elements can be used as a group activity, or practiced individually. 18 how
to live social skills, and a dictionary of 40 one-sentence hints for happiness
complete this book of techniques, providing a broad offering of yoga's
A useful resource for parents homeschooling or teachers that want to bring
harmony back into the classroom!
I recommend this text as an all-around resource with kids of all ages and
abilities, as well as for adults to follow. After all, it is probably the
parents who are reading the book first before giving it to their kids to browse
It has my highest recommendation, therefore, for all ages - for the kid in us
ISBN: 978-0-557-42836-6
1. Sitting
2. Relaxation
3. Walking
4. Instant Stress Relief
Moving Yoga Poses
1. The Leaf
2. The Flower
3. The Cricket
4. The Owl
5. The Bird
6. The Squirrel
7. The Chipmunk
8. The Rocker
9. The Seal
10. The Salutation Pose
11. The Snake Pose
12. The Turtle
13. The Starfish
14. The Cat Pose
15. The Swing
How to Live Social Skills
1. Caring
2. Citizenship
3. Compassion
4. Contentment
5. Courtesy
6. Forgiveness
7. Friendship
8. Helpfulness
9. Honesty
10. Kindness
11. Loyalty
12. Manners
13. Respect
14. Responsibility
15. Self Sufficiency
16. Tolerance
17. Trustworthiness
18. Truthfulness
Happiness Dictionary
40 One-Sentence Hints for Happiness
96 pages
About the author
Susan Kramer has been teaching meditation, yoga and dance to students of all
ages and abilities since 1965.
To Buy:
All reviews, summaries and content on this site are copyright Susan
and may not be used in any manner without express written permission.
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Associate of and bought my own products.
created July 9, 2009; updated February 4, 2024
updated December 14, 2010 with Educational Autism Tips for Families by
Bonnie Sayers; links updated July 26, 2014