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For Homeschoolers and Parents: Tips for Raising Kids with Learning Disabilities


1. Rebuilding Relationships and Learning Disabilities
2. Compromise, Parenting and Learning Disabilities
3. Instilling Motivation with Learning Disabilities
4. Solutions to Problems
5. Guiding Teens with Learning Disabilities
6. Rhythms, Music, Dancing for Kids of All Abilities
7. Nurturing and Learning Disabilities
8. Developing a Stable Home Life
9. Academic Benefits of Learning Rhythmic Dances
10. Social Impact of Learning Disabilities
11. Teaching Kids How to Be Helpful
12. Learning Disabilities and Charity in Attitude
13. Being Responsible for Kids
14. Nurturing Abilities in Kids with Challenges
15. Learning Disabilities and Enthusiastic Music Time
16. Attitude Makes a Difference with Kids
17. Wisdom and Learning Disabilities
18. Rhymes for Remembering
19. Encouraging Each Step of Growth
20. Other Strengths When Challenged
21. Helping Kids Get Along in the Family
22. Kids Learn About Sharing
23. Practice Dressing for Winter

 10. Social Impact of Learning Disabilities by Susan Kramer

Having a learning disability is not limited to the impact on the individual's life. Rather, I see the effects radiating to lives around the person, from their family into society. The abilities and attitudes of its members affect the whole community.

What can be done to help the individual, and as a byproduct, the whole community?

What makes sense to me is sticking with a process that recognizes limitation and helps train the individual to cope and adjust and get around in another way. This benefits the person by extending abilities in other directions, and lessens the social impact of disability when the person matures and is expected to do their part in the adult social structure.

If those with one or more learning disabilities are not given help as children and teens, how can they be expected to give their full potential to the community as adults? Instead of being assets, they become a drain on community resources.

So, a solution to having the best possible work force in the community is to prepare the individuals while they are growing up. This shows us the importance of taking the time and resources necessary to prepare individuals for their future as productive adults in society.

The training or re-training stage first requires discovery and proper counseling so the best direction can be implemented for each individual case. If the child has more than one learning disability each aspect needs attention to determine the effect of one disability on another problem area.

After discovery and planning comes implementation. Perhaps the work will be carried out just at school, or maybe at home and school, such as through homework, structured routine, diet, sports, music, art and dance lessons.

In summary,
the social impact of learning disabilities in its members has the best outcome for the individual and the community when steps are taken in childhood to find ways to do rather than be bound in by restrictions. The money the community spends in the few years of childhood is paid back many times over during the lifetime of the working adult.

And, the individual who feels capable and is capable has the best chance of being productive and in turn, helping the youngest members of society get the education and training to meet their potential; keeping society running as smoothly and productively as possible, and advancing forward each generation.

Article by Susan Kramer

Resource texts for parents, teachers and homeschooling families:

Click on cover image to read about
Free to Move, Learning Kinesthetically
Free to Move, Learning Kinesthetically by Susan Kramer
Click on cover image to read about
Rhythms and Dances for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Rhythms and Dances for Toddlers and Preschoolers

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All articles copyright © 2000-2011 Susan Kramer