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For Homeschoolers and Parents: Tips for Raising Kids with Learning Disabilities


1. Rebuilding Relationships and Learning Disabilities
2. Compromise, Parenting and Learning Disabilities
3. Instilling Motivation with Learning Disabilities
4. Solutions to Problems
5. Guiding Teens with Learning Disabilities
6. Rhythms, Music, Dancing for Kids of All Abilities
7. Nurturing and Learning Disabilities
8. Developing a Stable Home Life
9. Academic Benefits of Learning Rhythmic Dances
10. Social Impact of Learning Disabilities
11. Teaching Kids How to Be Helpful
12. Learning Disabilities and Charity in Attitude
13. Being Responsible for Kids
14. Nurturing Abilities in Kids with Challenges
15. Learning Disabilities and Enthusiastic Music Time
16. Attitude Makes a Difference with Kids
17. Wisdom and Learning Disabilities
18. Rhymes for Remembering
19. Encouraging Each Step of Growth
20. Other Strengths When Challenged
21. Helping Kids Get Along in the Family
22. Kids Learn About Sharing
23. Practice Dressing for Winter

 21. Helping Kids Get Along in the Family by Susan Kramer

Family life is more harmonious when everyone gets along with each other. And, it is important for kids with learning disabilities to be respected as valid family members, even if they have special needs or often need help.

The issue of validation is important for every member of the family. The family home is both the nest to receive nurturing, and as adults to fly away from, but still return to.

Validating the importance of every member of the family creates a feeling of worth in each.

When we feel valued it is easiest to feel in harmony both personally, internally, and in relationships. This carries over to persevering with projects - and by sticking to goals leads to success in living.

As adults, we can help the kids of all abilities in our family get along with each other by modeling the behavior we feel is important to see in kids.

When the adults get along well with others - both other adults and kids - we can be sure that our kids will be clued in how to get along with each other both at home and away.

When the kids show respect for other members of the family, they are insuring that it is most likely they will be shown respect in return. That's why it is important that this is the main modeling technique for parents to show with each other and the kids.

How can we expect a child to learn to live in the nest harmoniously if we are not living that way ourselves?

The early modeling of harmonious living lets the kids see, from their youngest years, that this is the acceptable way to live in the family. Kindness, respect and validation for each other in the family translates to healthy relationships outside the family circle, too.

As kids grow and start playing with other children what they have learned from their positive experiences at home will be useful in learning to get along in school and in fact all through life.

What we learn in the nest goes with us into the world. Harmony and peace at home through showing respect will contribute to the children's happiness and sense of well being in years to come.

Article by Susan Kramer

Resource texts for parents, teachers and homeschooling families:

Click on cover image to read about
Free to Move, Learning Kinesthetically
Free to Move, Learning Kinesthetically by Susan Kramer
Click on cover image to read about
Rhythms and Dances for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Rhythms and Dances for Toddlers and Preschoolers

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