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Inspired to Write on Practical Spirituality

By Susan Helene Kramer


September 8, 1982 marks the first time I wrote on practical spirituality. I had just finished participating in a kirtan and birthday celebration for Master Sivananda of Rishikesh. A friend then asked my opinion on a sticky topic on living while being spiritual.


I told her I'd write her a letter with my opinion, since I needed to think about it, and after I'd done that I realized others might find the reasoning useful. That letter became my first essay on practical spirituality, and initiated the first series on 30 topics called "Silver Threads," which I completed by that Christmas.


In the years following I have written thousands of essays. My agreement with my Higher Self is that I will not channel information that is not a reflection of who I am.


I agreed to write out my thoughts, even if it was only at that very moment that I became what I was writing down. I thought this would be the best approach for me to grow spiritually.


I highly recommend this path of writing from one's Higher Self for those who are introspective, and willing to live what they are learning. The reason it is necessary to live upgraded information is that it is like a snowball - each additional insight builds upon previous understanding.


Keeping a journal is a way to save thoughts after they come into waking consciousness.


Writing, reviewing, and integrating insights into daily life keeps us growing spiritually.


Meditation plays a role


I feel we need to reflect on our questions while in deep meditation. Then, immediately write out the answers upon coming back to regular consciousness from the meditative state.


In deep quiet meditation we are in a limitless daylight-like space without a horizon or mental border blocking our sight. In this inner vastness, where we are unhindered, we can hear the spiritual answers we need to hear at the moment.


Listen, dear friends

Listen in the deep spaciousness within.



Inspired to Write on Practical Spirituality, and author in Musée Rodin garden, Paris, France
copyright © 2013 Susan Helene Kramer ~ Shuchi



        Gentle Yoga and Meditation - book or ebook for adults



Yoga for All Kids - book or ebook

Meditation Lessons for Teens and Adults – book or ebook



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