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Rhythmic Movement
for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Susan Kramer
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Table of contents
Rhythms and Dances for
Toddlers and Preschoolers
in 98 page print book:
Next in series:
Rhythms and Dances for
School Age Kids by Susan Kramer
Contents |
Rhythms, Patterns
Dance for young children
Successfully building skills for
I. Theory II. General Notes; III. Clapping Rhythms IV. Floor Exercises
V. Moving in Space VI. Nursery Rhymes VII. Mini-Lessons VIII. "Shining Brightly" IX. Links |
By moving exuberantly
in rhythms, patterns
body-mind harmony develops
Caught by the camera, Jenny, 11 and a half months old lets go, reaches out, in
her first independent steps, an early milestone in a lifetime of reaching out
in learning-growing.
Patterns of rhythmic
movement using opposition of arms and legs help develop right-left brain
linkage. Example: walking steps with arms swinging at sides; as left foot
steps forward, right arm swings forward.
The nerve endings of sense
organs feed the brain information for analysis and reflection through hearing, seeing,
feeling on skin, tasting, and smelling. Allowing the toddler-preschooler to
learn with as many senses as possible instills new concepts most smoothly.
This theory of teaching and
learning, using the bodily senses - body to mind, and then mind to body for
action, powered by enthusiastic energy is a basis of somatic education.
Body to Mind
by receiving through the sense organs; analyzing
Mind to Body for action
Basic Lesson Plan: The whole text can be followed in sequence of short
time intervals of 5-10 minutes in each of the 4 sections, or any part can be
worked on separately as time and attention permit:
Part III Clapping Rhythms;
Part IV Floor Exercises;
Part V Moving in Space;
Part VI Nursery Rhymes.
Specialized Mini-Lessons
are in Part VII.
1. The exercises in this
text are for a toddler-preschooler and partner to work together,
one to one; the partner someone the child trusts, and who is old enough to
understand what is being taught.
2. Lots of wobbly movement
is normal as the child is still developing motor skills.
3. Moving
exuberantly with enthusiasm provides the impetus to try new co-ordinations.
Following a rhythm comes before the technique is mastered; I have found that if
the child first learns to move in the correct rhythm, the technique of the step
improves through practice.
4. Activities should be
light-hearted without pressure to participate or perform.
5. Bare feet are best if
the surface is safe.
Our lives are formed of rhythmic pulses
The body feels and moves in
rhythms naturally; walking, running, galloping happen
in the sequence of motor development. Clapping these patterns with the
toddler-preschooler is a bonding activity. Fun and harmonious interactions,
partner to child, carry over into harmonious interactions with the child's
ever-broadening circle of contacts. Harmonious interaction at the earliest
stages leads to harmony within the individual, and
harmonious interactions later as an adult in society.
1. Clapping in 4/4 time
2. Clapping in 2/2 time
3. Clapping in 2/4 time
4. Clapping syllables
Partner sits on the floor, legs
straddled if comfortable; child sits cross-legged on floor in front of partner,
facing forward, back against partner. Partner holds toddler's right wrist with
right hand and left wrist with left hand, so that partner can lead toddler's
clapping pattern. A preschooler can clap unaided.
In the clapping examples
that follow there is no pause for the slash mark.
The key I developed and use
for clapping to rhythmic movements:
tum = an accented clap
ta = a short clap
4 hand claps followed with
4 claps by leaning forward to use the floor as a drum; repeat sequence over and
1, 2, 3, 4 / 1, 2, 3, 4 / 1, 2, 3, 4 / etc.
or rather than saying numbers clap and say:
Clap the pattern of the
previous exercise except at a faster rate as in running steps.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 / etc.
or rather than saying numbers clap and say:
This is a more advanced
rhythm as in galloping for a preschooler.
& 1 & 2 / & 1 & 2 / & 1 & 2 / & 1 & 2 /
or rather than saying numbers clap and say:
ta tum, ta tum,/ta tum, ta tum,/ta tum, ta tum,/ta tum, ta tum,/etc.
Technique: While seated comfortably, as in Preparation instructions, partner, or partner and
child sing a song or nursery rhyme and clap every syllable of the words.
Example: Each syllable in "Peas Porridge Hot" is clapped:
Peas por ridge hot
Peas por ridge cold
Peas por ridge in
the pot
Nine days old.
2. The Squirrel
4. The Starfish
Child and partner sit on floor facing each other with at least 18" space between.
Use music in 4/4 time; or clap and say tum,tum,tum,tum; or clap and say 1, 2, 3, 4.
Sitting cross-legged with
hands palm down on floor at sides of body, proceed to rock side to side,
rhythmically, balancing on one hand than the other. Develops
balance and control of muscles in torso.
cross-legged, raise both arms overhead and stretch one at a time slowly towards
the ceiling, looking up. Then stretch arms to side, making forward and backward arm circles,
large and small, looking forward.
head leaning
head turning
cross-legged with hands palm down on floor at sides of body. Begin by looking straight forward, then turn head to look over right shoulder and smoothly turn
head to look over left shoulder. Just as an owl turns its
head. Count 1,2 over one shoulder and then 3,4
over other shoulder. A preschooler may be able to lean his head right ear
toward right shoulder and left ear toward left shoulder; all the while looking
forward; same rhythm and counting as head turns.
Child lies on his back, arms out to side and legs comfortably apart as a
starfish on a rock would lay. The partner is the
helper in this exercise and kneels to help. Child raises and then lowers one
leg or one arm at a time. Later with the partner's assistance opposite arm and
leg to be raised at the same time. 2 counts up and 2 counts down.
Life's a continuous line of movement
whirling, swirling to form shape
4. Hopping
6. Sliding
Enough floor space for unhindered movement. The child follows the partner's
lead rhythmically at first; mastering the technique follows after. If hands are free, partner can clap and say the tum and ta.
Partner and
toddler-preschooler, while holding hands, move in even steps following a
pattern: straight line; diagonal line from corner to corner of room; circle;
square; rectangle; triangle. The child does not need to be able to verbally
repeat the shapes; the body comes to feel the patterns after repetitions. If
partner and child are not holding hands arms swing in
4/4 time: tum,tum,tum,tum,etc.
steps moving quickly in patterns used in previous walking exercise. Arms held out to side, or in
opposition, if child and partner are not holding hands.
2/2 time: ta,ta,ta,ta,ta,ta,ta,ta,etc.
loping movement with same foot in front throughout. For the rhythm visualize a horse
galloping. Patterns of straight lines and in a circle.
Technique: Front foot steps forward and back foot pulls up to front
foot with a shuffle. Arms swinging in
opposition or held to the side or on waist for balance. Done with or without partner.
2/4 time: ta tum,ta tum,ta tum,ta tum,ta tum,etc.
done on one foot with a pause in between. Hops are usually in a series.
For balance; hands on waist or arms outstretched to sides, if child and partner
are not holding hands.
Even rhythm.
2/2 time: ta,ta,ta,ta,ta,ta,ta,ta,etc.
Toddler-preschooler and
partner stand separately facing each other at least 3 feet apart. Legs far enough apart to maintain balance. Technique: Arms
begin down at sides and swing together to one side then swing together down in
front, knees relax and bend, and then both arms swing up to the other side,
knees straightening. Then arms swing low in front and up in front as in photo.
Head turns to look at the movement of arms swinging to side, down in front and
up to other side. Galloping rhythm with accent on the upswing of the arms;
down-UP, down-UP, down-UP, etc:
2/4 time: ta tum,ta tum,ta tum,ta tum,ta tum,etc.
Appropriate for preschooler
moving alone. Technique: Facing forward and moving left to right
the right foot leads, feet begin together then one foot pushes apart along
floor on the first tum, and
other foot then closes in to meet the first foot along floor on the ta; knees bent. Moving right to left
the left foot leads. Arms to sides, or hands on
waist. Also, slide as an "ice skater" forward, one foot at a time as
in photo, arms to side for balance.
2/4 time: tum, ta tum, ta tum, ta tum, ta tum, etc.
Some thoughts on moving in space
while creatively interpreting a rhythmic nursery rhyme that is recited or sung,
or a poem that is recited and clapped: Child and partner participate without
holding hands. Joyful movement arises as the partner recites and the child
moves. The child is feeling the floor against the soles of his feet; how the
air feels next to his skin while moving; the sensations in his stomach while
turning; the emotional feeling of freedom to express as his body moves
freely. Dalcroze Eurhythmics is another
study in music and movement interaction that I recommend.
Movement takes form through dance
as all through life
movement takes form
in daily activities; adventures
Some nursery rhymes I have
sung and moved to expressively with toddlers and preschoolers:
Hickory, Dickory Dock |
Rain, Rain Go Away |
1. Climbing
Stairs Alternating Feet
2. Which Way Game
3. ABA Sequencing
4. Making Shapes: Circle Dance; Lines; Shaping
Enough floor space for unhindered movement.
1. Climbing Stairs Alternating Feet
The toddler crawls along
the floor before trying to crawl up the stairs.
When the child can stand and
stretch his legs far enough to alternate legs while walking up stairs, and also
balance one side to the other on each foot, the switch from going up one
step where both feet come together, to alternating legs on each step can
An exercise to develop
this alternating balancing act, stair-step to stair-step, alternating the
leading foot is to have the child hop on one foot, than switch to hopping on
the other foot without a break in action.
Example: The teacher claps once per hop and
says "hop, hop, hop, hop & hop, hop, hop, hop. ..."
The word '&' is to change feet. The partner holds one or both of
child's hands if necessary for balance.
While teacher has children
standing up and facing him in a group, he signals the direction to move just by
his arm and hand waving motions.
All possible directions and
high and low levels of moving can be explored such as close to the ground or on
tip toe and even jumping.
The game can use any
movement the children have learned.
The 'Which Way Game'
strengthens and develops concentration, visual perception, non-verbal
observation/communication skills.
A = 4 walks forward.
B = 4 walks backward.
A = 4 walks forward.
Preparation: Children stand in a group in the
center of room facing teacher at front of room, and remain facing forward
throughout. Teacher counts the numbers 1-4 out loud and uses clapping or a
rhythm instrument. One count per walking step.
students practice A and B separately; then the ABA
More advanced practice: The
teacher then calls out either A or B and the children do that
walking pattern.
All join hands, (just children or alternately child, partner, child, partner
...) and stretch out in circle shape facing center. While holding hands teacher
instructs to walk forward to center and now walk backward to place. Again, all
walk forward to center, now walk backward to place. Still holding hands all
slide sideward to right while facing center; then instruct to stop; then all
slide to left while still holding hands. Now drop hands and run forward to
center and sit down.
For accompaniment teacher
and observers clap, play rhythm instruments or sing a nursery rhyme; the
changes in direction can be at the natural pauses in the verse. After children
learn pattern they also can sing the song while doing their pattern.
being learned and practiced:
1. directions of forward, backward, sideward
2. rhythmic skills of marching, sliding and running
3. following directions
4. cooperation
5. circle shape
Straight:March in straight lines in many
Curving: Run in curving line across space.
Horizontal: Using sliding movements move sideways
across room while looking and keeping body facing forward.
Vertical:Gallop from back of room to front of room;
the back is as the foot and the front is as the top.
Diagonal: March or gallop from front corner to
opposite back corner.
March in the outline of
shapes as viewed from above: circle, square, triangle, rectangle. Teacher
describes shape and shows pattern for child and partner to follow. Children can
clap after learning pattern.
Poem I wrote set in
galloping rhythm to recite out loud and clap to while child gallops around in
his space, finishing the rhythmic movement session on an upbeat note.
Partner claps: ta tum, ta tum, ta tum, ta tum, ta tum,etc.
Remember these words, they'll teach and show
How in life we all should go
Whether we're young or very old
This is a story to be told …
When mornin's light at dawn appears
We have another day
Another day to show we care
Another day to care and share
With family, friends that we hold dear
And everyone that we are near
And if we act in the world most lovingly
We give ourselves to all productively
And when our thoughts are true and right
Soon our world becomes more bright
With a shining loving light!
Susan Helene Kramer is a graduate of Peabody Preparatory Dance of Johns Hopkins University
and author of The Rhythmic Movement
Dance Series of the United States Department of Education, and an international
author of more than 50 collections and a thousand articles on rhythmic
movement, modern dance, ballet, music, philosophy, social issues, meditation,
yoga and practical spirituality for children, teens, adults and those
challenged, with some Dutch, French, German and Spanish translations. Susan and
her husband, Stan Schaap live in Amsterdam, The
Text, Photography and Illustrations
Copyright 2000-2021 Susan Kramer
Santa Barbara, California USA
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Member of the Gateway to Educational Materials
published November 27, 2000; updated October 24, 2021 | webmaster |